

摘要:托福综合写作备考,针对不同的题型,采取不同的解题方法,今天三立在线为大家整理了 托福 TPO综合写作25答案+解析,在备考的同学可以收藏学习哦! 题目原文: In 1938 an archaeologist in Iraq acquired a set of clay jars that had been excavated two years earlier by villagers constructing a railroad line. The vessel was about 2,200 years old. Each clay jay contained a copper cylinder surroun



  In 1938 an archaeologist in Iraq acquired a set of clay jars that had been excavated two years earlier by villagers constructing a railroad line. The vessel was about 2,200 years old. Each clay jay contained a copper cylinder surrounding an iron rod. The archaeologist proposed that vessel were ancient electric batteries and even demonstrated that they can produce a small electric current when filled with some liquids. However, it is not likely that the vessels were actually used as electric batteries in ancient times. First of all, if the vessels were used as batteries, they would probably have been attached to some electricity conductors such as metal wires. But there is no evidence that any metal wires were located near the vessels. All that has been excavated are the vessels themselves. Second, the copper cylinders inside the jarslook exactly like copper cylinders discovered in the ruins of Seleucia, an ancientcity located nearby. We know that the copper cylinders from Seleucia were used for holding scrolls of sacred texts, not for generating electricity. Since the cylinders found with the jars have the same shape, it is very likely they were used for holding scrolls as well. That no scrolls were found inside the jars can be explained by the fact that the scrolls simply disintegrated over the centuries. Finally, what could ancient people have done with the electricity that the vessels were supposed to have generated? They had no devices that replied on electricity. As batteries, the vessels would have been completely useless to them.


  Your reading says that these vessels were not used as batteries in ancient times, but the arguments used in the reading are not convincing. The battery explanation could very well be correct.First, about the absence of wires or other conductors. Remember, vessels were discovered by local people, not archaeologists. These people might have found other material located near the jars. But since they were not trained archaeologists, they may not have recognized the importance of that material. So materials serving as wires or conductors might have been overlooked as uninteresting or even thrown away. We'll never know.Second, it is true that the copper cylinders in the vessels are similar to the cylinders used to hold scrolls, but that does not really prove anything. It's possible that the copper cylinders were originally designed to preserve scrolls. And that some ancient inventor later discovered that if you use them together with iron rods and some liquid in a clay vessel, they will produce electricity. That's how the first ancient battery could have been born.In other words, the copper cylinders could have been originally used for one purpose, but then adapted for another purpose.Finally, there's the question of the possible uses of the battery in the ancient world. Well, the battery could produce a mild shock or tingling sensation when someone touched it. This could very well have been interpreted as evidence of some invisible power. You can easily see how people could convince others that they had magical powers through the use of the battery. Also, the battery could have been used for healing. Modern medicine uses mild electric current to stimulate muscles and relieve aches and pains. Ancient doctors may have used to batteries for the same purpose.


  In the reading material, the author states that the vessels found in Iraq in 1938 were not actually used as electric batteries in ancient times. However in the listening material, the professor refutes that the first, according to the reading passage, the author suggests that if they were used as batteries, they would have been attached to some electricity conductors. However in the listening, the professor claims that we should remember that the discovery was made by local people along with some other materials. As they were not trained as archaeologist, they could not recognize the importance of some certain excavations. Perhaps they were overlook as something uninterested and then thrown away. Second, the author in the reading material mentions that the vessels were likely used for holding scrolls. Unfortunately the professor argues that it could not prove anything. It is possible that the vessels may be originally designed to scrolls. However ancient inventor then discovered that if the vessels were used with iron rod and some liquid, it could generate the electricity. So the copper cylinders may be originally used for one purpose but adapted for another purpose. Finally, the author of the reading passage asserts that the vessels would have been completely useless to ancient people as they had no devices that replied on electricity. In the contrary in obviously contradicts with the listening passage in which the professor contends that the battery could generate some mild shock and this also interprets evidence of some invisible power that how people convince others they had the magic power. Also it could be used for healing. In modern society doctors would use batteries to stimulate muscles and release pains. In ancient times people could also do that. In conclusion, according to the listening material, the argument that the vessels could not be used as batteries is unwarranted.




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