








此外,还有从成就与经验切入,侧面切入,会议书面材料切入等等。会议报道的形式很多,只要记者勤于思考,大胆探索,就会使会议报道出新,就会真正写好会议报道。 会议类新闻稿写作





























































和优秀共 产 党员、优秀党务工作者的决定》,我校机关党委校团委党支部被中共福建省委授予了“全省先进基层党组织”的荣誉称号。”虽然这句话很长,但并不是累赘,里面的每个字都是省去不得的。









第一、 连贯。














(2)短小精悍:新闻以短为主,这里所说的短,只是形式上的要求,在内容上,要丰富精深。读者要求新闻提供足够的信息数量,以便对社会现实有全方位的了解。所以文章必须短小精悍。新闻媒体的版面和时间有限,这就必须要求记者有很高的语言概况能力。 二:新闻写作的特征:























(C)新闻语言应有不同的风格 六:新闻语言六忌:




鉴证品质 征战南北


文:星奇特策划 (专注新闻通稿写作与发布)

20xx年9月23日下午1点50分,中国·山东德州,太阳谷微排国际酒店会场嘉宾云集,人满为患。广东纽恩泰新能源科技发展有限公司与国家海洋局南北极科考队在这里正式举行签约仪式并隆重召开了新闻发布会。中国节能协会、北京市建设工程物资协会建筑采暖分会、中国热泵产业联盟、国际铜业协会、《热泵市场》杂志社、慧聪热泵网、大美热泵杂志社、《建筑与环境》杂志社、《产业在线》、《热泵热水机资讯》、强华信息《制冷快报》、《新能源视界》、《空气能热水器周刊》等行业领导以及专业媒体共同鉴证了这一历史性时刻。 中国山东·德州太阳谷作为我国最大的太阳能产业聚集区,一直也是全世界太阳能热能利用的风向标。今天,同样借助太阳能热能利用的“空气能”,历经10余年的发展,迎来其发展的巅峰时刻,以广东纽恩泰新能源科技发展有限公司为代表的行业领军品牌企业通过坚持不惜努力攀登技术高峰,现在已经开启了“南北征战”模式。今天,广东纽恩泰新能源企业选择在太阳谷举行新闻发布会,其行业意义已是昭然若揭——打造中国空气能行业的航母型战舰,助力中国节能减排事业。


在签约仪式上,国家海洋局中国南北极科考队办公室处长夏立民受邀做了重要发言: “今天很高兴在此与大家共同见证广东纽恩泰新能源科技发展有限公司与国家海洋局极地考察办公室签约成为‘中国南北极考察官方合作伙伴’!请先允许我代表国家海洋局对广东纽恩泰新能源科技发展有限公司以及赵董事长对中国南北极科考事业的支持表示衷心的感谢!同时,向到场的各位来宾和朋友们,致以诚挚的问候!


我们每一位登上南北极科考站的科考队员,都肩负着国家赋予的重任,而为极地科考站科考人员提供安全、高效、稳定的温暖保障,成为我们极地考察办公室的重要使命! 在对众多采暖及热水行业和企业的严谨调研中,我们最终选择了空气能行业、选择了纽恩泰企业,因为空气能热水器、采暖热泵比传统的采暖、制热技术要节能70%以上,并且没有任何污染排放,是新型的可持续利用的绿色能源技术;而纽恩泰新能源企业的科研实力、产品设计、运行效率均代表了行业最高端的水平,纽恩泰也是空气能热泵行业唯一的企业院士工作站。在对众多品牌产品的调研中,纽恩泰空气能热水器、采暖热泵脱颖而出,得到同





































第二篇:新托福写作经典范文 50200字


1. Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Who would disagree with the statement ― progress is good‖? Without progress , there would be no change. Without progress, there would be no change in our economy, our standard of living, or our health.

Progress is required to keep the economy moving forward. New products need to be developed; new services need to be created. Without progress, our economy would stand still. There would be no change. Without progress, there would be no supermarkets with fress produce brought in from all over the world.

Progress is required to improve our standard of living. Our homes today are more efficient and use less natural resources thanks to improvement in home construction techniques. Our clothes are warmer and safer thanks to developments in textile manufacturing. Our educational system is better thanks to the use of the computers and the Internet.

Progress is required to improve the heath of the world population. Without progress, there would be no vaccines against deadly diseases like smallpox. Without progress, there would be increased infant mortality. Thanks to progress, our lives are longer and healthier.

Progress is a natural state. Without it, we would not evolve. Without it, our economy, our standard of living, and our health would deteriorate. Who could deny the necessity of progress.

2. Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice. If my city has decided to build a statue to honor a famous person in my country, I would choose a late singer, Teresa Teng. She was born in 1950s, and died of a severe asthma attack at age 41 in May 1995 while holidaying in Chiang Mai, Thailand, triggering an outpouring of grief among her legions of fans in Asia and elsewhere. During her brilliant stage career, favored by fans all over Asia, she moved millions of people. Her famous songs include "sweet", "story of small town", and "the moon represents my heart", etc.

It was said that it was her who introduced several generations in China to a certain field of popular music. Her songs have accompanied the growth and development of many people in China. In the home of these generations' soul, her sweet voice has become immortal beauty and memory. Although she's gone, her sound of singing has never vanished. She is constantly commemorated; from Beijing to Taipei, Hong Kong to Singapore, her ubiquitous fans observe her commemoration from time to time, cherishing her incredible beauty, and her voice that sounds to come from heaven. Her sweet songs made her a legend, and are still regularly heard on radio, and continue to have a following in Chinese communities all over the world.

She should be remembered not only because of her beauty and voice, but also because of her great charity. She founded "Teresa Teng Foundation" during her lifetime. The purpose of the foundation is to cultivate and support gifted artists, and at the same time the foundation includes a trust to distribute scholarship to make sure that art students have opportunities to accomplish what they actually can. Every year, The Teresa Teng Foundation also send a great amount of money as a charity to help homeless children. And these activities are supported by her fans all over the world.


3. Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.

My favorite custom from Chinese culture that I wish that other countries would adopt is "Respect the Old, Love the Young." These two ideas have been part of traditional Chinese culture for thousands of years, but they are more important than ever in contemporary Chinese culture. If adopted by Western countries, these two traditional attitudes could help them solve some of their social problems.

One major problem in many Western countries is what to do with old people when they can no longer take careof themselves. A Chinese family will often have three generations of one family living under the same roof. They love and respect the older generation, and consider them wise. Western people believe that living with one's own parents is inconvenient and embarrassing. Instead of respecting old people, some think that they are stupid and ugly. When Western families' parents get old, they would rather send them into nursing homes and retirement homes than live together with them. Only old and sick people live in these places and they are considered depressing, in the worst cases they might seem like a prison to their inhabitants. Old people in the West would be much happier if they adopted these traditional Chinese attitudes.

Juvenile delinquency is another serious social problem in Western cultures. Its causes can also be traced back to a lack of respect for old people and love for young people. Children are not taught to respect the wishes of their parents and instead value their relationships with their friends more. Because in many Western families both parents have jobs outside of the home, children often lack adequate supervision. Chinese families, by contrast, often have at least one parent, or a grandparent at home to take care of and love the children. Children without proper guidance and love from a young age might start to smoke, drink, use drugs, and commit crimes. This occurs much less frequently in China because people pay more attention to their children and have the children's grandparents nearby to help raise them.

The West puts the "Individual" before the "Family". Traditional Chinese culture puts the interests of the Family first, and the Individual second. Chinese mothers and fathers place higher value on their child's development, than on their child's independence. Children place a higher value on then-parents' happiness than on their own convenience. While there are many excellent lessons that Chinese people can learn from the West, Western people would do well to learn from these essential Chinese traditions.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Advertising does not mean to educate or illustrate. Primarily it is a vehicle for business and it aims to sell products. As a result, the information we can gather from looking at advertisings is quite limited. However, the cultural ideas used to sell commodities reveal a society's value system, and from the nature of the advertising and the product it aims to sell we can draw conclusions as to which social demography might be the most affluent.

In order to be most effective an advertising campaign will make use of the cultural values of a country. Obviously, companies will be able to sell more products if a great many people relate to the goods and the images used to sell them. For example, in a country like the United States where a great percentage of the population is religious, advertisers use expressions such as heavenly, divine, or revelation, because these have connotations that prospective 2

customers will likely identify with. Similarly, advertisers will try to employ fashion models who embody a culture's ideals of personal beauty, because attractive men and women will sell more products than unattractive ones.

Companies identify social demographics or parts of society that are most likely to buy their products and design their advertisings accordingly. For example, teenage girls are more likely to buy mobile phones than retired factory workers. Thus companies will make use of fashion trends in their ads and probably pay a famous pop singer a big chunk of money to endorse their product. If the majority of all advertisings in a country are geared towards a specific target market or audience, then this part of the population probably has the most financial resources at their disposal.

Although we can learn some things about a country by looking at its advertising we have to remember that this knowledge is limited. After all, advertising is only directed at people who have the means to buy consumer goods. Thus advertising does not tell us anything about the overall prosperity or likes and dislikes of a country. Also, advertising not only reflects but also tries to shape and change cultural values. Therefore, it does not accurately reflect the exact state of a country's culture.

5. A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

China is an enormous country with an intensely varied landscape. If a foreign visitor were coming for just one day to see our country, it would be difficult to choose just one place to spend the day. However, I posit that the best place in China to visit would be Beijing. As the capital city, Beijing offers a diverse look at China. I would suggest that the main sites to see would be the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and Tiananmen Square.

The Forbidden City offers the visitor a look at what it was like to live in historical China. The Forbidden City is located in the heart of Beijing, and is the biggest palace complex in the world. This particular site would be of interest to a tourist because it was once the home of many emperors. One can see the actual rooms from whence the ancient China was ruled by the emperors. When the visitor walks through the palace confines, he/she will see many examples of classic Chinese architecture. A walk through the gardens is particularly peaceful with jasmine trees abound.

The Great Wall is also a must-see in China. The people of China hold the Great Wall as having particular significance to their culture because of its long history. The wall, built of dirt, stone and brick, was used as a defense barrier against invading nomads and wandering tribes.This is the largest engineering and building project ever carried out by humans. Its historic and strategic importance is matched only by its architectural significance.

Finally, Tiananmen Square should be on the list of things to see while visiting Beijing. This square is one of the largest in China, and possibly in Asia. At this square, one can visit the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, one of the greatest leaders ever in China. The Chinese Revolutionary Museum and the Chinese History Museum stand to the east of the square, the Great Hall of the People to the west and the magnificent Tiananmen Tower to the north. As the visitor will see, there are numerous interesting exhibits at Tiananmen Square that offer up a variety of Chinese heritage.

Of course, it is very difficult to name one city in China over all others as "the place" to 3

visit. China is the host to such a wide variety of beautiful places, and a visitor really should spend much more time exploring them all. However, with only one day, I believe that Beijing is the best place to visit.

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Dancing plays an important role in a culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

There are a number of qualities that have always been present in cultures, recent or ancient. These qualities can be anything from art forms to culturally gained knowledge. These qualities make the culture unique, and allow the culture to offer something interesting to the world. Throughout history, dancing has always played such a role in cultures. This is because dance allows us to express emotion, preserve heritage, and entertain.

Dancing has always held a high position in culture, as it is an excellent way of expressing emotion. Much like the painter using color to convey emotion, dancers can use their body as a tool to show the onlooker their happiness, sadness, pain, etc.

Dancing is also an excellent method of retaining and preserving culture. Many cultures have dance as part of their ceremonies, whether the ceremony is religious or patriotic in form. For example, it is a widely practiced norm to have people dance out a glorious moment in battle. In religion, it is common for people to dance to appease the God or Gods. Because of this, dancing is an excellent way to maintain culture, and ensure that important moments of the past are not forgotten.

In modern days, it is much more common for dancing to be seen as a form of entertainment. Dancing has become somewhat of a sport in some countries, for example , ballroom dancing is very popular in the United States. There are hundreds of bars and disco clubs all over China which focus on dancing. They provide disc jockeys, more commonly referred to as "D.J.s", and play loud, repetitive music which encourages the young people to dance. There are many different styles of dance, but all bring the dancer to have fun, and get a good workout at the same time.

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People behave differently when they wear different clothes. Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people behave? Use specific examples to support your answer.

It seems that people do sometimes behave differently when they wear different clothes. For example, a well-dressed man seldom spits at random, a woman in glorious dresses is more likely to talk in a gentle tone, and a clean dressed child seems quiet than others. It might be explained that different dresses give people different self-images, and most people subconsciously behave according to their own self-images. Equally sensible is another factor, that is, all too often people regard a person differently according to his/her dresses. Therefore, people might behave differently when they wear different clothes because they are treated differently.

Also, appropriate dresses do help a lot in certain circumstances. It is not difficult to imagine that a doctor with a casual suit instead of his/her formal one will certainly make his/her patients nervous, for doctors in working hours are always supposed to be in white suits. An applicant in his/her first interview will be naturally accompanied with great mental tension. If he/she was well-dressed, by "well" we do not mean expensively or gloriously, we mean "neatly", 4

he/she would appear more self-confident and or even be self-confident in deed.

However, merely a suit in itself can contribute little. In fact, people's behaviors inevitably reflect their very nature. A poor gentleman dressed in rags is still a gentleman. He knows the essential principles that a civilized individual must observe, he knows fundamental moral disciplines which an educated individual must follow. A parvenu on the other hand, will finally find out the fact that his exorbitantly dear dresses is of no use to make himself a gentleman, and he even eventually fail to make him look like a gentleman. Maybe those are right who said it takes at least three generations to cultivate a gentleman.

In a word, I do not believe that clothes can essentially make people different, even though they might sometimes seemingly do.

8. What do you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more important to you than any other room? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Whereas others might feel ridiculous, I reckon the bathroom as the most important room in my house, even though other rooms such as the reading room or the sitting room are probably equally important.

First of all, the bathroom is the most important because it is highly visible to guests. We may be able to close off the bedroom to indicate that the room is "off-limits," but we cannot deny our visitors access to the bathroom. The most overlooked in general though it might be, the bathroom is a room which demands attention as much as possible. For example, it is absolutely an ugly design if the toilet is placed directly opposite the door, all too often the embarrassment happens when the door is accidentally unlocked. And it is the host to blame if the bathroom is dirty, smelly, or even scattered about in a mess.

The bathroom is very important because every family member will inevitably use that room, in which the most important part of family sanitations is located. Personal health of family member is no doubt superior to any other concerns. It should be spacious, bright, tidy, and above all, hygienic, and deserve frequent cleaning—in fact, the room we cannot clean too much, specifically, the toilet seat. Moreover, more than one bathroom are virtually needed, if possible. It is not only embarrassing or inconvenient but would also be absurd and irritating if someone knocks at the door when we are using the lavatory.

Another reason I put special emphasis upon bathroom came from my experiences. According to my conception, bathroom is not only for toileting, washing, and showering, but for reading as well. Don't be surprised, I have a very spacious and bright bathroom in my house, in which, an arm away from the stool is a small bookshelf, a little bit highly located on the wall to prevent books and newspapers from getting wet. I have already discovered that I have to spend more than 30 minutes a day in the bathroom, and that moment is so ideally quiet and easy to concentrate. Believe it or not, I learnt a computer programming language – Delphi - while I was sitting on the stool!

9. A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child's development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.

Child's development is often supplemented by the gifts they receive from important adults 5

in their life. It is important to choose these gifts carefully, and foster growth in the right areas. If I were to give a gift to a child, it would be the game of chess. Chess offers a number of advantages to a child. Chess builds social skills, it encourages the child to develop the higher functions of the brain, and it is a good hobby.

As with most games, chess encourages a child to be social with others. As chess is a two-person game, any time children play the game they will be interacting with others. As chess is a competitive game with a winner and a loser, children will have to learn how to lose gracefully if they hope to keep their chess partners. Building social skills when one is young is very important for future successes throughout one's life.

Playing chess is also an excellent way to increase one's thinking abilities. Chess is a game of strategy. When playing chess, a child will build important skills such as pattern recognition, strategic thinking, and analytical thinking. All of these skills are very important, especially when going through school. Many subjects a young person must take in school utilize all of these skills, and working on them early in life can be nothing but beneficial.

Finally, chess is an excellent hobby for a young person. Playing chess, or any other time-intensive game, keeps children out of trouble. If they are spending their time working on building their chess strategies, they are not out on the streets causing trouble. Many children develop behavioral problems because of simple boredom. Chess is an excellent remedy for this, as it is fun to spend one's free time.

Thus, I think chess is an excellent present to give to a young child. Chess encourages both personality and mental development, which are very important in a child's early years. While many gifts will encourage the maturity of one of these types of development, there are few gifts that foster the development of both.

10. People remember special gifts or presents that they have received. Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

One custom that is prevalent in all societies around the globe is that of gift-giving. This is a time-honored tradition in all countries, and evokes different feelings or emotions in all of us. Gift-giving has many different functions in Chinese culture. One can receive a gift as a token of affection, or one can receive or give a gift to stimulate business opportunities. In both of these cases, the gifts are always well received, and serve the function of a memento.

Perhaps the most common situation in which a gift is given is on a special day, for example, one's birthday or an anniversary. These gifts come to a person from loved ones, and usually symbolize affection or admiration. These gifts can be large or small. For example, my father bought me a digital camera for my last birthday. This was a great present, and was quite expensive. I did not appreciate the gift because of its monetary value, however. I valued it because it was a very thoughtful gift, as my father knew I was interested in photography. Other gifts have less monetary value, but are still just as meaningful. An example of this is when a boyfriend buys flowers for his girlfriend. The flowers do not cost a lot of money, but they evoke feelings of happiness and love.

Gifts can also be given to stimulate business. For example, many businessmen in China will take their most important clients on a special vacation to see the sights of another city. This trip does not relate directly to business, as in many cases, the business at hand is not discussed. Instead, the businessman will offer such a trip as a token of trust and respect. The client 6

appreciates this gesture, as it shows him/her that the businessman is serious about work, and values him/her as a customer.

In both of these cases, the gifts signify to the receiver that he/she is cared about and is important. It is always a treat to receive a gift, and most people view this as a sign of friendship-Gifts serve as mementos of the people who give them, which is why we hold them in special places in our hearts.

11. People recognize a difference between children and adults. What events (experiences or ceremonies) make a person an adult? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

People have many different ways expressing, celebrating and legislating our passage from childhood into adulthood. I believe that there is no single moment that defines when a child becomes an adult. Becoming an adult is based on a variety of events, namely, when one's body changes, when one's mind expands, and when one accumulates experiences.

Small children are usually referred to as cherub like. They are all beautiful with rosy cheeks, bright eyes, and tender skin. As a child grows into an adolescent, they grow taller, but their frames remain quite small. Once a youth grows from an adolescent to an adult, frames develop substantially. Their shoulders broaden and they are able to form defined muscles. This physical change is the most obvious sign of a child becoming an adult.

The second modification that occurs is the expansion of one's mind. When one is an adult, they are able to comprehend much more advanced thought processes. They start to be able to think for themselves, and make decisions that are best for them. Children are not capable of making complex decisions regarding their lives or their future. They do not have a mind capable of carefully weighing all of the options and deducing the right choice.

This expansion of the mind is a result of the numerous experience a person has on his/her way to becoming an adult. As one moves through the world, they gather important information about how the world works. This information becomes one's personal database of knowledge: such a database is absolutely necessary if one is to grow past childhood. The experiences of which I speak are the happenings in our day-to-day lives. We are constantly placed in situations where we must choose one path or another. Of course, one will make mistakes along the way. These mistakes are an important learning tool, which help us become wise adults.

In conclusion, children become adults when they have sufficiently matured. Their bodies, their minds, and the number of experiences they have had must grow. Once this process is complete, they can rightfully claim to be adults.

12. People listen to music for different reasons and at different times. Why is music important to many people? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Music exists all around the world in thousands of forms and manifestations. It spans time and geography as an ever-present theme in the lives of all people. There is no culture without some form of music; from primitive man to the modern urban inhabitants, and from Tibet to New York City. Musicians come from all walks of life and express their emotions and their experiences, so that they may be shared with their community or even the world.

Different emotions call for different music. This idea is well illustrated by theatrical scoring and movie soundtracks. There is music that we listen to when we are sad, when we are 7

happy, when we are angry, etc. Music works with our emotions, and helps us to deal with the highs and lows of life. I believe that if there was no music, that man would live a much more stressful, embittered existence.

At different ages we develop tastes for different types of music. Some people feel that as one matures they appreciate more complicated themes, styles and emotions in their music. For example, many young people today enjoy pop music, while their parents prefer to listen to classical music. Perhaps this is because young people are full of energy and therefore enjoy faster music. Their parents, on the other hand, have enough excitement during the day, and would therefore prefer to listen to music that is more soothing.

As our world changes, different styles of music become more appropriate and more relevant. For example, as we become more and more technologically inclined, the music we listen to has followed the same trend. Young people today are currently experimenting with electronic music because of this. Musical instruments also advance technologically as time passes. In the last few decades, man has invented both the electric guitar and the synthesizer, which has revolutionized music around the world.

A person's choice in music is highly individualistic. Even family members can sometimes not agree on what the best type of music is. Through thousands of years of evolution, music has become one of man's greatest companions. It can help people to celebrate their joy, and it consoles people when they are depressed.

13. Imagine that you are preparing for a trip. You plan to be away from your home for a year. In addition to clothing and personal care items, you can take one additional thing. What would you take and why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

During the planning of an extended trip away from home, we have to decide what items to carry with us. While considering this problem I pondered many possibilities, such as a family photo album, my journal, my music collection and many others. Finally I realized that the best thing for me to bring on an extended journey would be my laptop.

A laptop computer can act as a journal. In fact it can outperform a journal in its abilities to catalogue experiences. With this added functionality, I could add pictures, captured with the web cam and sounds, captured with the built-in microphone, to the text. As there is a diverse range of software available for computers, there is an added possibility of loading my experiences on to a web page and publishing them on the Internet.

While traveling or living abroad, it is often necessary to communicate with loved ones or business colleagues. In spite of the ever-decreasing cost of international calls, long distance telephone bills can quickly add up. Once again a laptop computer has the ability of solving this problem. With a relatively inexpensive Internet connection, a person can harness one of the most powerful attributes of a computer communication. This form of communication adds the extra abilities of being able to see the person you are contacting and allow people to share files, information and even programs.

A new city can be a lonely place and it can take a significant amount of time to adjust to a new environment and make friend. During such a transitional period, it can be very helpful for one to have access to entertainment: reading a book as an e-book, playing a video game, or watching a DVD, all of which can be done on a laptop. Entertaining oneself can also be a marvelous way to pass the time on a long bus ride or flight.


Hence, I posit that a laptop is the ultimate travel companion, whether for a short journey or an extended voyage. Personal computer seems to solve many of the problems that arise from travel.

14. Some students like classes where teachers lecture (do all of the talking) in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer? Give specific reasons and details to support your choice.

There are basically two types of classes in university, classes, i.e., where teachers lecture and where the students do some of the talking. Both teaching and learning approaches are valuable and have their own relative merits.

Classes that are dominated by teachers' lectures may benefits students in several ways. First of all, lectures can communicate the intrinsic interest of the subject matter. The speaker can convey personal enthusiasm in a way that no book or other media can. Enthusiasm stimulates interest, and it is an undeniable fact that interested, stimulated people tend to learn more. Moreover, lectures in university settings can provide students with role models of scholars in action. The professor's way of approaching knowledge can be demonstrated for students to emulate. Furthermore, lectures can organize material in a special way. They may provide a faster, simpler method of presenting information to an audience with its own special needs. Lectures are particularly useful for students who read poorly or who are unable to organize print material. On the other hand, lecture approaches also have some relevant weaknesses. For example, the lecture often puts students in a passive rather than an active role. As is often the case, passivity can hinder learning. At the same time, most lectures assume that all students are learning at the same pace and at the same level of understanding, which is hardly ever true. Especially, Lectures place the burden of organizing and synthesizing content solely on the lecturer. They are not well suited to higher levels of learning such as application, analysis, and synthesis. Lectures require an effective speaker who can vary tone, pitch, and pace of delivery. Lecturers must be verbally fluent, a skill that is not stressed nor learned in many Ph.D. programs and is usually distributed unevenly among people. Lectures are therefore sometimes not well suited to complex, detailed, or abstract material.

In summary, Lecturing is probably the oldest teaching method and remains the most common form of instruction, despite the fact that some research has shown that lecturing is ineffective, especially if not combined with some alternative style of teaching. In fact, Lecturing is very appropriate for some goals and very inappropriate for others. And at the same time, the counterpart — the approach that allows students to participate discussions is equally non-universal. Therefore, I can hardly simply say that I prefer either approach. I think the choice should depend on circumstances including various factors such as the subject that is to learn, the depth that needs to explore, the quality that the lecturer or the discussing group have.

15. Holidays honor people or events. If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Holidays are an excellent way to allow societies to honor people or events that have helped their country or the world. There are many things that deserve to be recognized in our culture, but there is one group of people that is underappreciated in society today: inventors. If I were to create 9

a new holiday, it would be to pay respect to these important people and their creations.

Inventors are members of the most unappreciated profession in society today. Without inventors, all civilizations would still be living in the stone age, with no running water, no electricity, and more generally, no comforts. Many inventors create simple objects that do not seem that amazing, but upon closer inspection, one realizes that all inventions contribute greatly to convenience. All societies should pay homage to these great people by honoring them with a holiday.

The first way we could honor inventors is by opening exhibitions in galleries and museums dedicated to the inventions of current and past inventors. Many people have no idea where the greatest inventions came from. By displaying the life work of inventors, people will gain a new appreciation for them. This would also be a learning experience for the public, as they could see what current inventors are working on, and get excited about the upcoming progresses in society.

We could also honor inventors by having a school day dedicated to inventions. It is important to encourage school-aged children to use their imagination to come up with inventions of their own. The school system is excellent in China, but it does not promote free thinking. Children need to be given the opportunity to discover new creations on their own. By having a day dedicated to this, young people would become more interested in the manufacturing of new products and ideas.

So, I believe that inventors deserve their own holiday. They have provided society with so much comfort and convenience. By honoring inventors, we will show them how much we appreciate their efforts, as well as encourage our children to come up with new ideas of their own.

16. Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

One of the most popular pastimes today is movie-going. With what started as moving-picture shows has dramatically developed into an industry that spends millions upon millions of dollars while still turning a gigantic profit.

Movies are so popular because they are the most fascinating and easiest escape means from increasing pressure, which comes from family, school, working place, society, and so many other directions. Combined with acoustic and visual effect, movies are definitely more appealing for audiences who have exhausted themselves in the real world than are those printed novels. It must have been much easier to see a movie than to read a novel, since all the audience should do is simply to sit there in a soft chair in the dark about 150 minutes. Captured, involved, the audience in a movie theater will forget everything but the story in action on the screen.

Movies have magic power to let people immerse themselves in fiction. The point is that almost everyone long for the power of snapping his/her fingers and seeing his/her wishes and dreams instantly granted. Everyone long for eternity of love, many idealize about it but now in the theater it's time to "feel" it. Every move the character makes, every breath the character takes, all seem to happen around, and clearly sensible. On the screen, no entire life needed, movies illustrate all aspects of love we can imagine: all aspects of love, from the mushy warm and fuzzy feelings we feel with our children and companion animals, to platonic love we have with friends and acquaintances, to the romantic soul mate kind of love, to the agape kind of unconditional love, it's the full gamut. Dramas are created in order for us to play out different 10

sides of ourselves.

In short, movies are so popular because many can escape into the world of fantasy and live vicariously through the characters and in doing so, work out different feelings and emotions that they may not have the opportunity to do in their "normal" lives.

17. Many people have a close relationship with their pets. These people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Throughout history, animals have always been great companions to man. In today's society, we frequently treat our pets as members of family, nursing them when they are sick, and playing with them when they are well. I believe that the relationships that people have with their pets are healthy for many reasons.

Firstly, animals provide companionship for people who are too old to maintain regular friendships. It is most common for one spouse to outlive the other. Frequently, the surviving spouse does not remarry, and eventually, all his or her friends die. When one is elderly, it is difficult to make new friends. In this type of situation, having a pet as a companion is greatly preferable to spending all of one's time alone. While a pet cannot speak, it can understand its master's emotions, and usually responds accordingly.

Secondly, animals have been proven to reduce their master's stress. This is probably because an animal is always happy to see its master, and gives the master unconditional love. As long as the master is kind to his/her pet, the pet will be devoted and faithful. A pet also provides a friendly face after a stressful day. For example, I have a pet dog. After taking an exam, the only thing I want to do is go home and play with my dog. He always brings me much needed cheer and happiness.

Lastly, having an animal can prepare a young couple for having children. A young animal is very difficult to take care of. Let us take the example of a puppy. One can never leave a puppy by itself. A puppy must be constantly taken care of; he must be toilet-trained and disciplined. Raising an animal to be happy and sociable is very much like raising a child to possess the same attributes. While a puppy is obviously easier to take care of than a child, it can show the prospective parents where some of the difficulties will lie when raising a baby.

In conclusion, I think having a very close relationship with a pet is healthy. Having a pet can reduce loneliness, stress, and prepare one for the huge experience of having a child. Pets are often referred to as man's best friend, and for good reason.

18. Films can tell us a lot about the country where they were made. What have you learned about a country from watching its movies? Use specific examples and details to support your response.

One of the favorite pastimes of people today is watching movies. Movies can teach us a great amount about the world, especially if we watch movies from another culture. When watching a foreign movie, we can learn about the landscape and scenery of the country, the country's ethics and customs, and its historical events.

The world is a great and varied place, from the immense mountains of the Himalayas to the deserts of America. By watching movies, one can gain insight as to what these beautiful places are like. For example, I recently watched a number of movies filmed in America. I 11

learned about the beautiful beaches of California, national parks such as Yellowstone and Niagara Falls, as well as man-made wonders such as the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Watching foreign movies is an excellent way to deduce where one wants to travel, if he/she has such an opportunity.

Watching movies also teaches us about a country's ethics and customs. For example, while watching American movies, I learned that children do not show as much respect to their parents as we do here in China. In some cases, children were very disrespectful of their elders, and ignored their wishes outright. I was shocked by this behavior. To give another example, I also learned about table manners in America, which are quite different from the rules we follow in China. Furthermore, one can learn about a country's history by watching films. For instance, there are many movies that have been made about the wars in America, such as Gone With the Wind. Movies such as this show foreign viewers why America is the free and independent society that it is today.

Hence, watching foreign movies is an excellent way to learn about faraway lands. One can learn about the landscape of a place, about its culture, as well as its history. Perhaps schools should consider watching foreign movies in classes to provoke interest from the students about such lands.

19. People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you? Use specific examples to support your choice.

There are many different methods that people use for learning. Some people learn with hands-on experience, others learn by reading, and still others learn by listening to discussion of other people. It is generally believed that learning is a subjective process, and it is important to discover the ways in which one learns best. I find that personally, learning by doing things is the best way.

First, I find that the hands-on method is right for me because I am a very visual learner. If I can see what is happening, I have a much easier time understanding it. Reading a book does not give me this ease. When I read a book in order to gain knowledge, particularly technical one, I sometimes have trouble visualizing exactly what is being explained. However, when I actually see the process happening, it is much easier for me to understand.

I also use a visual method when I am studying English. For example, if I am working on new vocabulary, I will write the words down, and then draw pictures of the words to remind myself of the meaning. Going through the process of drawing the pictures greatly increases my ability to memorize any type of information. When a picture is too simple to be enough or is hard to draw, I will close my eye and draw a mental picture that serves more helpful.

It seems as though most businesses prefer people to have this hands-on experience as well. It is rare to find a good job that does not require applicants to have spent a certain amount of time doing a similar type of work in the past. By having this past experience, it shows that they have learnt to do a particular task well, and that they have practical knowledge of the job.

In conclusion, I think that hands-on learning is best for me, and beneficial for my future. As stated above, however, everyone learns in a different style, and it is important to find the most efficient method for themselves.


20. Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Over the last twenty years the amount of adverting we are subjected to in our daily lives has increased dramatically. It has got to the point where one can hardly turn his/her head without seeing a wide array of media images. I tend to agree the fact that advertisements more often than not persuade us into buying things that we do not need.

Often it is difficult to discern what a product is from an advertisement. Advertisers prey on our basal emotions, conjuring strong relationships between our primary drives and their product names or logos. A prime example of this is perfume ads. In many of these types of advertisements there are women in compromising positions, but there is no mention of the actual product for sale. These ads draw us in and make us think that we can be better and more beautiful if we have the product.

In addition to being manipulative, advertisements also fill our environments and our consciousness. There is no taboo venue for advertisements; they fill our televisions, radios, streets and elevators. Some advertisers have even taken to placing images of their products in our urinals or on boxers' bodies. It is impossible to get away from them. To illustrate this point, all one has to do is to pick up a popular magazine. While flipping through the pages, one will most likely find that for every page of content there are at least two pages of advertisements. It should also be noted that a significant portion of this so called "content" is actually advertising in disguise.

Finally, advertisements feed on our insecurities and often successfully convince us that we have no value to society without their products. Advertising was originally designed to showcase products and inform us as to how they can improve our lives. This harmless form has been replaced by a medium that viciously attacks our self-confidence and self-esteem.

In conclusion, I posit that the main goal of advertisements is to convince us to buy things that we do not need. As globalization continues to shrink the world, advertising coerces all countries to become consumer nations.

21. It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Until recently our neighborhood hasn't had any restaurants. We have a local food market and several small convenience stores, and even several street side food stands, but no real restaurants. I'm personally in favor of opening a new restaurant in our neighborhood, and believe it will make people's lives more convenient, support the local economy, and create a healthier community spirit.

Cooking at home every night is time-consuming and tiring for local families. After a long day at work, local people have to spend at least one hour to shop for groceries, and even more for cooking dinner, and cleaning up after the meal. By the time all is finished, they almost have no time to enjoy the company of their families. Eating out would save time if there were a restaurant nearby, but the closest restaurant is a 30-minute walk away. If a restaurant opened in our neighborhood it would allow local people to relax for a night or two every week and enjoy more time with their families.


A new restaurant would also help the local economy. Building the restaurant would require the labor of local carpenters, plumbers, and electricians. The new restaurant would need to buy a great deal of food and produce from local markets and supplies like furniture, cooking utensils, and everyday items from local merchants. It would also create jobs for waiters, managers, and chefs. Perhaps most importantly, a new restaurant could also potentially attract business from the surrounding neighborhoods, bringing more investment into our community.

Finally, a new restaurant would give local people a public space to gather and talk in. Our community has few suitable open spaces for people to meet and have conversations. The streets and markets are too noisy, and the shops have no place to sit down. People who were once strangers could meet in this restaurant and become better acquainted with one another; new friendships could be forged while old friendships could be strengthened. The benefits of a restaurant to community life are harder to measure than are its economic benefits, but in my opinion are sorely needed in our community.

22.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Throughout my life, I have been lucky enough to have a very good relationship with my parents. They have supported me, given me necessary criticism, and taught me a great deal about how to live my life. Parents can be very important teachers in our lives; however, they are not always the best teachers.

Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. Sometimes they can only see their children though the eyes of a protector. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher might see a trip to a big city as a valuable new experience. However, it might seem too dangerous to a parent.

Another problem is that parents may expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. They can't seem to separate from their children in their mind. If they love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if their child's true love is art, or writing, or car repair?

Parents are usually eager to pass on their value to their children. But should children always believe what their parents do? Maybe different generations need different ways of thinking. When children are young, they believe that their parents are always rights. But when they get older, they realize there are other views. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technology changes. A student who has friends of all different races and backgrounds at school may find that her parents don't really understand or value the digital revolution. Sometimes kids have to find their own ways to what they believe in.

The most important thing to realize is that we all have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and our peers teach us. Books and newspapers and television also teach us. All of them are valuable.

#( Books and newspapers) : Books, newspapers






校党委书记王少安为学生干部作“学习党的十七大精神”专题报告 11月23日晚,党的十七大代表、校党委书记王少安,带着对党的十七大精神的深刻领会,在南校区小礼堂为全校学生干部作“学习党的十七大精神”专题报告。来自我校16个院(系)的800余学生干部聆听了此次报告。

报告会上,王书记首先强调指出,党的十七大是在我国改革发展关键阶段召开的一次十分重要的会议,学习贯彻党的十七大精神是全校师生当前和今后一个时期的重要政治任务。王书记希望广大学生干部要先学一步,学深一些,通过自己的学习和深刻领会,带动全体同学学习,努力把十七大精神的学习引向深入。 随后,王书记从五个方面对广大师生就如何学习十七大精神提出了五点要求:一要深刻认识高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜的重大意义。王书记指出,旗帜问题至关重要,旗帜是政治立场,更是政治方向。高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜包括两方面的内容,一是坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路,二是坚持中国特色社会主义理论体系,这是中国共 产 党带领全国人民在实践中的必然选择。二要深刻认识科学发展观的重大理论意义和实践意义。王书记强调,发展是人类社会的永恒主题,人类社会在发展中不断前进。科学发展观是中国特色社会主义理论的新发展,不仅对于丰富和发展马克思主义具有重大理论意义,而且对于指导经济社会发展具有重大的实践意义。三要准确判断在全面建设小康社会伟大进程中经济、政治、文化和社会四大建设的新走向。王书记指出,全面建设小康社会,其关键是如何推进中国特色社会主义又好又快发展。其中,经济又好又快发展为中国特色社会主义发展奠定雄厚的物质基础;坚定不移地发展社会主义民主政治为中国特色社会主义提供政治保证;推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣为中国特色社会主义发展提供思想引导和智力支持;加快推进改善民生为重点的社会建设为中国特色社会主义发展营造和谐的社会环境。四要准确判断教育特别是高等教育在全面建设小康社会伟大进程中的地位和作用。王书记强调,报告明确提出:“教育是民族振兴的基石,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础”,这标志着我们党对教育的高度重视。报告还把“提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家”上升到“国家发展战略的核心”、“提高综合国力的关键”的高度,从这个目标出发认识教育,教育在经济社会发展中的地位和作用变得更加突出,高等教育的任务也比以往任何时候显得更加艰巨。五要准确判断新时期党的建设新的伟大工程的新要求新任务。王书记指出,党的十七大在深刻分析党的建设面临的新情况新问题的基础上,提出了新形势下加强党的建设的总要求和新举措,为全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程提供了重要指导原则。王书记号召广大青年学子要认真学习党的基本知识,了解党的宗旨,坚定跟党走的信心和决心,为实现党的十七大确定的奋斗目标和工作任务而刻苦学习,发奋成才。 报告会后,王书记和在场师生进行了面对面的交流,并对同学们提出的问题做了详细而认真的回答。王书记深情的嘱托和殷切的期盼,深深打动了广大青年学子的心,大家纷纷表示,一定不辜负王书记的殷切期望,深入学习并贯彻落实






秦教授精彩的报告持续近两个小时。他清晰而敏捷的思维、广博而高度融合的知识面、机智而幽默的语言博得了大家阵阵热烈的掌声。讲到引人入胜之处,整个报告厅鸦雀无声,每个人都被带进了神圣的文化殿堂。 报告引发了现代人对中国传统与文化的深刻思考,让师生们接受了一次高雅的文化和精神洗礼。会后,同学们怀着浓厚的兴趣踊跃发言提问,秦教授对每一个问题都作了细致到位的解答,现场气氛非常活跃。秦教授深厚的学术功底、不凡的举止谈吐、独到的见解给同学们留下了极为深刻的印象,他们纷纷表达了今后定期举办类似活动的强烈愿望。










孙传尧,矿物加工工程专家。曾任新疆可可托海选矿厂副厂长、北京矿冶研究总院副院长、院长,现任北京矿冶研究总院国家矿物加工重点实验室主任。20xx年当选为中国工程院院士。 报告会上,孙院士从我国矿产资源的国情出发,让大家详尽了解了中国多种矿物资源的储量、开采及分布情况,指出了正处在工业化中期阶段的我国对矿产资源的需求趋势。接着,根据自身长期从事复杂多金属矿石选矿工艺和浮选理论研究,提出要重视矿石物性,弄清工艺矿物学研究的作用,以推动工艺矿物学与选矿工艺技术的交叉发展。在如何开发与矿物资源相和谐的精细工艺技术问题上,孙院士结合自己四十年的实践,对柿竹园法等典型工艺流程进行了技术分析。





报告会上,吕司长首先就法制政府的提出与内涵进行详细阐释,从体制、法制、机制、理念及目标等方面作了深入的讲解。吕司长指出,建设法制政府,就是要求全国各级各类机关都必须遵守“合法行政,合理行政,信息公开,高效便民,诚实守信,权责统一”的基本理念。吕司长强调公共权力就是公共责任,政府工作任务要做到“七要”,即要转变政府职能,深化行政体制改革;要提高制度建设的质量;要理顺执法体制,加快行政建设;要积极探索高效、便捷、成本低廉的化解社会矛盾的机制;要不断完善行政监督机制和制度;要提高机关工作人员依法行政的能力;要切实加强对依法行政工作的领导。最后,吕司长还对同学们的提问做出了精辟的解答,赢得了一阵阵热烈的掌声。 吕司长精彩深刻的报告给我校师生传达了十七大建设法制政府的精神及目标,对丰富我校师生法制知识,完善学校规章制度,促进校园法制建设将起到积极的推动作用。








太阳》以充满童趣的场景,荡漾出对新年的热切期盼和对未来的美好向往。光影离合、掌声四起,奇幻诡异的旋律中,“魔术师”贾芳老师登上舞台:红绫穿杠、碎纸复原??精彩绝妙的表演、高超越人的技法,让观众领略了魔术世界的神奇与梦幻。极富雪域风情的《高原红》 奇美雄健、意境深邃,伴以回旋劲扬、豪迈奔放、满载藏族风情的舞姿 ,仿佛是在诉说雪山玉峰对莘莘学子的呼唤与期盼。空谷泉鸣、深山鸟啼、薄雾轻飏、清风拂衣,武术《太极神韵》在静美流远、叩人心扉的背景音乐中呈现在众人面前,稳健中透露着雄浑、静逸中流溢着灵动,挥洒出了中华武术的博大精深。踏着岁月的脚步,携着淡淡的忧伤,诗情婉转中我们体味着已逝的光辉岁月,澎湃激荡中我们点燃未来的火炬,配乐诗朗诵《百年理工 世纪赞歌》,以浓浓的真情唱颂除了对母校的热爱与自豪。二胡独奏《战马奔腾》则以其特有的风格释放着节日的热情,激荡强劲的旋律贯穿始终,用音乐为观众展现了一幅意境寥廓、万马齐鸣的宏大场面。或瑰丽激昂、或气魄壮美,四大名著主题曲以跨越时空的情致,穿越古今的韵雅,点染出一幅幅浓墨重彩的历史画卷。老干部处的歌伴舞《天上黄河九十九道弯》,则满蕴民族风情、载以新年祝福,火红的身影、热烈的舞步,深深传达出了老干部们对百年理工的无限真情。由音乐系游吟歌老师带来的《节日欢歌》,热情奔放而不失庄重典雅,华美精致而不乏淳朴清秀,嘹亮激亢的歌声,温馨飘逸的倩影,绚丽的光晕交相辉映,如万千花开,霰落余霞,美轮美奂,奏响了新时代奋勇前进的凯歌。还有歌曲《乡恋》、舞蹈《欢乐中国年》、歌伴舞《欢天喜地》,每一个节目都焕发着节日的喜庆,饱含着新年的祝福。



















演出开始前,校长邹友峰教授发表了热情洋溢的新年致辞。他首先代表学校党委和行政,向全校师生员工以及始终关心、支持学校建设与发展的离退休老领导、老同志致敬。邹校长指出,20xx年是学校发展史上承前启后,具有重要意义的一年,也是全面加强内涵建设,各项工作取得重大进展的一年。一年来,学校以保持共 产 党员先进性教育活动为契机,党的建设、精神文明建设与思想政治工作得到了全面加强;院(系)和职能机构调整顺利完成,处级领导干部换届和科级干部调整工作圆满结束;按照“两级管理,重心下移,责权利相统一”原则,建立了年度目标管理制度,财务二级管理的试点工作也已经开始,调动和激发了院(系)的办学活力;学科建设取得了新的突破,新增一级学科博士点1个,二级学科博士点4个,硕士点26个;本科教学水平评估整改工作扎实推进,以一个意见、五项制度和九大工程为标志的本科教学工作新体系开始运行;科技工作取得新进展,全年新上科研项目279项,科研经费突破6300万元,与20xx年相比,科研经费净增2450万元,增幅达63.6%;师资队伍建设进一步加快,引进教师136名,其中院士1名,博士20名,硕士96名。学校专任教师总量已达1071人,学历及职称结构更趋合理;招收日校本科生近7000人,在校生规模突破2万人大关,达21700多人;毕业生就业形势良好,就业率居全省高校前列;学校“双代会”胜利召开,审议通过了学校发展战略规划,确定了创建高水平教学研究型大学的指导思想、发展目标、工作思路和保障措施。与此同时,财务、基建、后勤、产业等方面的工作也都取得了令人满意的成绩,各项事业呈现出了蓬勃发展的势头。


演出在校领导与机关有关部门领导的大合唱《没有共 产 党就没有新中国》、《团结就是力量》中拉开序幕。一曲曲荡气回肠的大合唱,唱出了学校领导班子团结一致干大事的壮志豪情,道出了学校领导班子团结、带领全校师生创伟业的坚强决心和必胜信念。随后,舞蹈、歌曲、相声、武术表演、诗朗诵等丰富多彩的节目将演出一次次推向了高潮。一时间,整个小礼堂成了歌的天地,舞的海洋,人人脸上写满了喜悦和豪情,处处洋溢着新年的喜庆和吉祥。













接着,校团委副书记陈昊宣读获奖集体名单。此次奖项分为精神文明奖和优秀组织奖。其中,精神文明奖:男篮 土木学院;女篮 理化学院;男排 电气学院;女排 外国语学院;男足 安全学院;网球 计算机学院;乒乓球 数信学院。优秀组织奖:男篮 经管学院;女篮 材料学院;男排 资环学院;女排 测绘学院;男足 机械学院;网球 能源学院;乒乓球 体育系。在各项目奖中,获得男篮冠、亚、季军的学院分别为土木、能源、机械;女篮为土木、文法、经管;男排冠、亚、季军为测绘、电气、土木;女排为材料、电气、土木学院;男足冠、亚、季军为机械、文法、电气学院;网球为体育部、测绘、研究生;男乒冠、亚季军由机械、土木、经管获得;女乒由经管、资环、外国语分别获得。 之后,校团委副书记陈昊、校体育系副主任杨黎明、体育系团委书记马孝志、学生会干部石良分别给获奖集体颁奖。最后,校体育系副主任杨黎明发表热情洋溢的讲话。他指出,“理工杯”球类大赛体现了体育精神,并对取得优异成绩的广大运动员表示热烈祝贺,向本届“理工杯”付出辛勤劳动的广大裁判员及工作人员致以亲切的问候和最诚挚的感谢。



朗朗一方理工蓝天,浓浓一腔迎奥激情。10月30日下午,我校首届“教职工广播体操团体比赛” 在世纪广场胜利举行。出席本次活动的校领导有:校党委副书记周志远、副校长周英、卫中玲、张战营,校工会主席杨建堂。杨建堂、郑之宇、邵明双、王凤香、杨黎明、樊卫星等担任此次比赛的评委。校工会办公室主任李天姿主持比赛。











比赛结束后,选手们还乘兴参观了与白马寺、少林寺齐名的中国佛教名刹月山寺。 秋季登山比赛是一项有益教职工身心健康的户外活动,历来广受大家欢迎。此项活动体现了“大爱”精神,有利于构建和谐校园和我校发展目标的早日实现。



为加强校际文化交流,提高我校大学生的英语水平和表达能力, 营造学习英语、应用英语的良好氛围,推动我校大学英语教学改革,我校与河南师范大学共同举办的以“Youth has no limits”为主题的英语演讲比赛于4月9日下午举行。





下午3时整,随着辩论主席宣布辩论赛正式开始,小礼堂内响起雷鸣般的掌声,一场激烈非常的论战拉开帷幕。首场比赛在焦作师范高等专科学校和南阳师范学院两支代表队之间拉开帷幕。他们以“诚信主要依靠道德自律和诚信主要依靠法治它律” 为辩题展开辩论。焦作师范高等专科学校代表队精神抖擞,陈述流畅,论据有力,不失时机地向对方薄弱环节发起进攻,注重理性思考和逻辑突破;南阳师范学院代表队则沉着机敏,避锋躲芒,深入浅出,不为对方咄咄逼人的攻势而乱了方寸,侧重辩论方法和语言艺术。下午第二场在焦作大学代表队和南阳医学高等专科学校代表队之间的比赛更加表现不俗。辩论双方仍然以“诚信主要依靠道德自律和诚信主要依靠法治它律” 为辩题展开辩论。焦作大学的辩手激情飞扬,幽默风趣,抑扬顿挫,有条不紊地做出机智的回应,闪耀着智慧的火花;南阳医学高等专科学校的辩手配合默契,环环相扣,攻守一致,不断

地发出紧锣密鼓的排击,声势高扬,展示出强大的实力。晚上八时三十分第三场举行。比赛在我校代表队和南阳理工学院代表队之间进行。尽管按赛程安排是友谊赛和表演赛,但现场的比赛把赛事推向了高潮。辩论中,正反两方围绕“诚信的建立主要是个人问题和诚信的建立主要是社会问题”辨题针锋相对,唇枪舌剑,展开了激烈的辩论。我校辩手陈述流畅、说理透彻,对所持立场能多层次、多角度地分析,攻守兼备;南阳理工学院辨手相互支持配合,论辩衔接流畅、方向统一,辩答有理有据;尤其是在自由辩论中,双方辩手针尖对麦芒,语言犀利非常,比赛现场激荡着思维的火花,或抑扬顿挫中夹着严谨,或幽默风趣中带着刀锋,他们精彩的表现不时被台下的掌声和笑声打断。一个多小时的精彩比赛,高潮迭起,激烈紧迫,如硝烟弥漫的战场,给在座观众一次惊心动魄、智勇对决的视听大餐。我校近3000名学生先后观看了第一天的三场比赛。 经过来自我校、南阳师范学院、焦作师范高等专科等三所学校的七位评委的认真评判,最后,南阳师范学院代表队和南阳医学高等专科学校代表队分别夺得了第一场和第二场的胜出,我校代表队在友谊赛和表演赛中获胜。

此次省大学生“诚信校园行”辩论大赛复赛G组赛区比赛是由河南省教育厅、中国人民银行郑州中心支行、国家开发银行河南省分行主办,我校承办。大赛主题的是“选择诚信 崇尚诚信 坚守诚信 做诚实守信大学生”。G组赛区的最终决赛在24日下午和晚上举行,最终将产生三支获胜代表队参加今年11月—12月份在省会郑州举行的比赛。


11月1日下午,新校区教学楼2402教室掌声如潮,“我爱消防”首届主题演讲比赛在这里拉开了帷幕。经过院系初选环节,39个优秀节目脱颖而出,晋级此次决赛。 安全学院书记张玉培和院长高建良先后致辞。他们指出了消防工作对社会生产生活的重要性,分析了消防工程专业学生就业的方向,表示学院十分关注和支持消防工程专业的发展,并希望以此次“我爱消防”演讲比赛为契机,加强同学之间的交流和团结,让大家更好的了解自己的所学专业和就业前景。

比赛中,选手们踊跃登场,围绕着“我爱消防”这一主题尽情地抒发自己对消防的热爱。参赛节目不仅有优美的诗歌散文、诗朗诵,还有幽默诙谐的小品,选手们精彩的演绎博得了观众和评委们的阵阵掌声。他们用慷慨激昂、朴实无华的语言,从不同方面、不同角度抒发了自己学习消防知识和甘愿从事消防事业的决心。其中,《消防礼赞》抒发了自己对消防事业的崇敬,《我骄傲,我是一名消防生》抒发了消防学生对自己身为消防人的骄傲,《消防生前进三步曲》则表现了消防学生对消防从陌生、迷茫、顿悟到热爱的心路历程,贴近同学们的生活,赢得同学们阵阵笑声,把比赛气氛推向了高潮。 经过选手们激烈的角逐,消防0602班团体的《我骄傲,我是一名消防生》获得一等奖,消防0601班付晓东的《消防之歌》、消防0601班王帅等人的《消防生前进三步曲》荣获二等奖,消防0601班张森等的《我期待》、消防07级团体的《消防礼赞》和消防0602班王军的《英雄无悔的一生》获得三等奖,同时产生优秀奖10名。






决赛在主持人豪迈真挚的致词中拉开帷幕。满怀着对祖国富强和民族昌盛的赞美与祝福,16位选手或演讲、或朗诵、或吟咏,用各自非凡的语言艺术的表达着对党的十七大这一盛事的礼赞。一首《献给十七大的颂歌》带引观众进入广阔的意境,气势雄伟,豪情万丈,歌颂了十七大的春风吹拂中华大地,祖国一片勃勃生机、欣欣向荣的景象,表达了十三亿中国人民对党的热爱之情;《高举理想的旗帜》反映了全国各族人民团结一致,坚决执行党的方针、政策,高举理想的旗帜,在社会主义建设的康庄大道上阔步前行的豪情;《回家》表达了两岸同胞渴望祖国早日统一的期盼心情;《十月的赞歌》联系“嫦娥1号” 探测卫星成功升空、奔向月球的壮举,赞美了中华民族伟大复兴、崛起的宏伟气象;《腾飞吧!河南理工大学》则描述了近年来学校的跨越式发展和取得的辉煌成绩及理工大人为迎接学校百年华诞而无私奉献、齐步奋进的精神。《十七大:丰碑高塔》、《祖国,用青春的名义为你歌唱》、《祖国,我为你干杯》、《听爷爷讲过去的故事》等都以不同的方式和角度表达了祖国各条战线的社会主义建设者们对党和祖国的真情讴歌和忠诚热爱。最后,选手冯永刚以不凡的讲演技艺夺得决赛一等奖,张喆、王赛、王晓哲获得二等奖,杜昀昀、张春荣、高孟泽等6名选手获得三等奖。





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