


                                                                                                           王妍 王航


涪陵高新区 Fuling High-tech Zone)




涪陵综合保税区主卡口效果图(Effect Picture of Main Entrance of Fuling Comprehensive Bonded Zone)





涪陵龙头港(Longtou Port of Fuling)




华为涪陵云计算大数据中心(Huawei Fuling Cloud Computing Big Data Center)






太极医药城(Taiji Medicine City)





华晨鑫源整车生产车间(Vehicle Production Workshop of Brilliance Shineray) 






涪陵榨菜生产车间(Production Workshop of Fuling Zhacai Group)








涪陵国家级页岩气示范区内的钻井平台(Drilling Platform in Fuling National Shale Gas Demonstration Zone)


 Fuling High-tech Zone, Chongqing: Gathering Innovation Strength to Create an International Area Proud of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  Currently, China is speeding up the implementation of such strategies as innovation-driven development, “Made in China 2025” and “Internet plus,” and the Belt and Road Initiative, and its economy is entering into a phase of high-quality development. Fuling High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Chongqing, will take into consideration the new situation, grasp new opportunities, learn about and put into practice Secretary General Xi Jinping’s conception of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and conduct in-depth study of and implement the gist of his significant speech when inspecting in Chongqing, with which to guide and promote the various works in the zone.

  Text by Wang Yan and Wang Hang

  In recent years, Fuling High-tech Zone has ranked among the top ten industrial parks in Chongqing in terms of economic scale and development speed, and become an important engine for economic development in western Chongqing. The zone has earned the titles of National Demonstration Development Zone for Industrial Transformation and Upgrading in Yangtze River Economic Zone, National Demonstration Base for New Industrialization (Food), Fuling National Shale Gas Demonstration Area, Chongqing, and Chongqing Strategic New Service Industry Agglomeration Demonstration Zone (Technical Research and Development).

  Unique geographical and transportation advantages

  Located in central Chongqing, Fuling is the perfect hub of five provinces and cities of Chengdu, Sichuan, Hunan, Guizhou and Hubei, the geometric center of Chongqing, the central city of a certain region of Chongqing, a state-qualified comprehensive traffic hub of Chengdu-Chongqing City Cluster, an important port of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and a distributing center at Wujiang River basin, the gateway along the Wujiang River of thousands miles, and an important node linking northeastern Guizhou and southeastern Chongqing with the sea.

  Situated in Fuling and backed up by the major passages of “Two Rivers, Three Expressways and Three Railways,” Fuling High-tech Zone has constantly expanded the export-oriented industrial cluster. Longtou Port, Panhua Port and Huangqi Port are the best deep-water ports in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, capable of serving a 10,000 DWT fleet all year round. Longtou Port is one of the “1+3” main hub ports of Chongqing and the farthest west port that the 5,000 to 10,000 DWT fleet can be served throughout the year. Chongqing-Fuling Expressway, Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, and Chongqing Outer-Ring Expressway run through the zone. Shanghai-Chengdu High-speed Railway, Chongqing-Huaihua Railway, Fuling-Nanchuan Railway, and the Chongqing-Xi’an High-speed Railway under planning will add up to the High-tech Zone in serving as a great channel for transportation of passengers and cargoes. Fuling Comprehensive Bonded Zone within it was officially approved for establishment by the State Council on October 4, 2018, as Chongqing’s fourth area specially supervised by the Customs.

  Historical and cultural profoundness


  Fuling, with a long history and culture, is known to own "capital of the ancient Ba kingdom, shrine of the philosophy of Yi, and underwater forest of steles, and as hometown to pickled mustard tuber." From Xiaotianxi, capital of the ancient Ba kingdom, China’s first set of gold-inlaid moiré chimes was unearthed. Dianyi Cave in Beiyan, shrine of the philosophy of Yi, is a birthplace of Neo-Confucianism. White Crane Ridge, the underwater forest of steles, is reputed as the world’s first hydrological station. Fuling is the famous hometown to pickled mustard tuber, which is among the world’s three most noted pickles (the other two being sauerkraut from Germany and gherkin from Europe). 816 Military Cave, once used for the Third Front Movement, is the world’s largest artificial cave.

  Solid industrial base and potential for growth

  It is necessary to accelerate the development of the industrial cluster and consolidate the industrial base. Fuling High-tech Zone now boasts 1,520 enterprises. The “3+1” industrial clusters with distinct features including biomedicine and massive health, advanced manufacturing and automation, electronic information, and modern service industry have taken shape, several emerging industries have been integrated across the fields, and competitive enterprises such as Taiji Group, Sanai Hailing, and Compeq settled down in the Zone.

  It has become the main battlefield for the development of the health and medicine industry in Chongqing, with four major segments including Chinese patent medicine, bio-pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical packaging materials and green food. The modern Chinese medicine industry has seen its ecosystem formed. Taiji Group is one of the top 10 pharmaceutical manufacturers in China and ranks first among the OTC brands. Fuling boasts the only listed company in pickles in China, with the world-renown brand “Wujiang pickled mustard tuber.” Its manufacturing industry tends to be developed toward the high-end. Sanai Hailing is the leader of internal combustion engine parts in China. It has long been committed to the R&D and manufacturing of intake and exhaust valves for automotive engines, and won Volkswagen’s Global Excellent Supplier Award for its quality products and services. Wanda Steel Strip is the largest private manufacturer of galvanized sheets in China. Fuling has sent its electronic information industry into the fast lane of development. Huawei Cloud Computing Data Center in Fuling is the only node of Huawei in Chongqing in this regard and now sees the construction of a cloud-based service center covering the whole Southwest China. Compeq occupies the largest market share when it comes to HDI circuit board, and over 12% of that in the sector of PCB for phones.

  It is necessary to start the engine for innovation and accumulate momentum for development. It will adhere to the innovation-driven development strategy based on big data and intelligence, accelerate the deep integration of the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence with real economy, and boost the high-quality economic growth.

  It is necessary to quicken the release of vitality. Fuling High-tech Zone boasts 102 high-tech enterprises, and spent 4.5% of gross regional production on R&D in 2018. In the past several years, it has undertaken 21 national-level science and technology projects and 54 municipal-level such projects. It has won one first prize and two second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, one second prize for national technological inventions, and five first prizes of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award.

  It is necessary to quicken the concentration of innovation resources. Fuling High-tech Zone has established strategic partnerships with 53 colleges and universities such as Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and 52 R&D institutions above municipal level, including one national enterprise technology center, two municipal key laboratories and four academician and expert workstations. It has introduced nine academicians for long-term cooperation with enterprises in the zone. It also possesses one national-level incubator, one national-level demonstration center for productivity promotion, and two national-level maker spaces.


  It is necessary to accelerate the development of the intelligent industry. Fuling High-tech Zone is among the first pilot intelligent industrial parks in Chongqing. Relying on local platforms such as Huawei Cloud Computing Data Center, Hoolai Technology Incubation Park, and Technological Innovation Center, it has vigorously facilitated the development of emerging types of business like “Internet + Automotive,” “Internet + Culture,” and “Internet + Logistics,” enhanced the digital and intelligent levels of traditional industries, and built 15 digital workshops and one intelligent factory in Chongqing.

  Outstanding service philosophy and business environment

  Industry serves as a driving force for the development of Fuling. Over the years, Fuling High-tech Zone has played a key role in boosting the industrial development of Chongqing and carrying forward the concept of “making the district well established and competitive based on industry.” Fuling has adhered to the service concept of “Everything Matters.” The project specialists in Fuling High-tech Zone have continuously improved and innovated the “one-on-one” and “nanny-style” services as administration is streamlined and decentralization instituted.

  Enterprises will bask in the warmth of considerate governmental services, as Fuling High-tech Zone constantly optimizes the service and business environment, and effectively serves, encourages, helps and empowers the enterprises. In return, Fuling High-tech Zone has developed better and faster as more enterprises settle in, and win-win results have been achieved.

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