英语学习资料:林书豪-A Raising Star 以下文字资料是由(中小学生网www.zxxsw.cn)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
Jeremy Lin, one of the most popular basketball players in NBA, plays for New York Knicks and leads his team to win, although he was fired by the Golden State Warriors and Houston Rockets. Jeremy Lin is a Chinese-American, who was born on August 23, 1988 in California, U.S.A.. He graduated from Harvard University, majoring in economics with a minor in sociology. During the school, he led Harvard University basketball team won the Ivy League group champion. After that, he signed with the Golden State Warriors and became the first Harvard University student to enter NBA since 1953 and the first Chinese –American player in NBA.
Jeremy Lin is know to people since February 4. In a 99-92 victory over the New Jersey Nets, he scored 25 points, five rebounds and seven assists-all career-high. Since then, he got more playing time and began his legendary performances and led the team to seven consecutive victories. In the game with the Los Angeles Lakers, his scoring even more than Kobe Bryant. Because of his sudden rise, February 16, Jeremy Lin was invited to participate in Rising Stars Challenge while he was originally not appeared in the entry list.
Due to his outstanding performance, the media overwhelmingly reported him into a hero of New York city. The U.S. media also gave him a resounding nickname “Lin-sanity ”. At the same time, his is so popular in the Inter that the videos about him are been crazy spread. After all, Jeremy Lin is just a new player in NBA, and he has much to learn. We hope him to work hard as before and play well in the future.
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