


Glossary of the Rules of the Shanghai International Energy Exchange in Chinese and English (for Reference Only)


1“《境外办法》”,是指《境外交易者和境外经纪机构从事境内特定品种期货交易管理暂行办法》。“Interim Measures”the Interim Measures on the Administration of Overseas Trading Participants‘ and Overseas Brokerage Institutions’ Engagement in Trading of Domestic Specified Futures Products

2“会员”,是指根据法律法规和章程的有关规定,经能源中心审核批准,在能源中心进行期货交易活动的在中国境内依法成立的企业法人或者其他经济组织。“Member”A Member of the Exchange is an enterprise legal person or a business organization that is registered in the PRC and approved by the Exchange, pursuant to the relevant rules and regulations in relation to futures trading activities in the PRC and the Articles of Association of the Exchange, to engage in the futures trading activities.

3“境外交易者”,即《境外办法》第二条第二款规定的境外交易者,是指从事期货交易并承担交易结果,在中国境外依法成立的法人、其他经济组织,或者依法拥有境外公民身份的自然人。“Overseas Trading Participant”In accordance with the Paragraph 2, Article 2 of the “Interim Measures”, an Overseas Trading Participant is a legal person or another business organization that is duly established outside of the PRC as prescribed in the Interim Measures, or a natural person with lawful foreign citizenship who conducts futures trading and assume the trading results.

4“境外经纪机构”,即《境外办法》第二条第三款规定的境外经纪机构,是指在中国境外依法设立、具有所在国(地区)期货监管机构认可的可以接受交易者资金和交易指令并以自己名义为交易者进行期货交易资质的金融机构。“Overseas Intermediary” In accordance with the Paragraph 3, Article 2 of the “Interim Measures”, an Overseas Intermediary is a financial institution duly incorporated outside of the PRC as prescribed in the Interim Measures and certified or licensed by the local competent authority to accept funds and trading orders from trading participants and execute futures orders in its own name for its Clients.

5“客户”是指依照中国法律法规规定,委托期货公司会员、境外特殊经纪参与者、境外中介机构等进行期货交易,并承担交易结果的境内外自然人、法人和其他经济组织。“Client” A natural person, legal person or other business organization domiciled in or outside of the PRC that entrusts an FF Member, Overseas Special Brokerage Participant, Overseas Intermediary or any other authorized institution as prescribed in the Exchange rules to conduct futures trading and assume the trading results.

6“中央对手方”,是指期货交易达成后介入期货交易双方,成为所有买方的卖方和所有卖方的买方,以净额方式结算,为期货交易提供集中履约保障的法人。“Central Counterparty”A legal person that interposes itself between counterparties to contracts traded in futures transaction, becoming the seller to every buyer and the buyer to every seller, adopts the net settlement method, and ensures all settlement and delivery for centralized futures trading.

7“日盘”,是指交易日中国北京时间09:00—11:30和13:30—15:00及能源中心公布的其他交易时间。“day trading hours”From 9:00AM to 11:30AM and 1:30PM to 3:00PM, Beijing Standard Time in a trading day, or other trading time announced by the Exchange.

8“连续交易”,是指日盘之外由能源中心规定时间的交易。“continuous trading hours”The daily trading time that is not within the period of day trading hours and is prescribed by the Exchange.

9“交易日”,是指每周一至周五(不含中国法定节假日,能源中心另有规定的除外)。交易日从前一个工作日的连续交易时间开始至当天日盘结束;不实行连续交易的,交易日即为日盘时间。每一交易日各品种的交易时间安排,由能源中心另行公告。“trading day”From Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays, or otherwise prescribed by the Exchange. For those products, where continuous trading hours are adopted, a trading day covers continuous trading hours of the previous working day and the day trading hours of the day. For those products, where only day trading hours are adopted, a trading day refers to the period of day trading hours of the day. The daily trading time for each product shall be announced by the Exchange respectively.

10“交易编码”,是指非期货公司会员、境外特殊非经纪参与者和客户进行期货交易的专用代码。“trading code”An exclusive code assigned by the Exchange to each Non-FF Member, Overseas Special Non-Brokerage Participant and Client for futures trading.

11“工作日”,指中国法定节假日及休息日之外的日期。“工作日”与“天”时间上为自然日时间,即北京时间00:00—24:00.“working day”Any day other than national holidays or weekend as prescribed by the PRC law. Time definition for a “working day” or a “day” adopts conservation day time, which refers to 00:00—24:00 Beijing Standard Time.

12“当日”、“每日”,为每个交易日。“of the day” or “each day” On a certain trading date or each trading day respectively.

13“涨跌停板”(又称每日价格最大波动限制),是指合约在一个交易日中的交易价格不得高于或者低于规定的涨跌幅度,超过该涨跌幅度的报价将被视为无效,不能成交。“price limits” (also known as the maximum daily price fluctuation) The maximum movement that the price of a contract may move up or down from the previous daily settlement price during the trading day. Quoting prices beyond such limits will be considered invalid and will not be executed.


14“单边市”,是指涨(跌)停板单边无连续报价,即某一期货合约在某一交易日收盘前5分钟内出现只有停板价位的买入(卖出)申报、没有停板价位的卖出(买入)申报,或者一有卖出(买入)申报就成交、但未打开停板价位,且最新价与涨(跌)停板价格一致的情况。“Limit-locked Market”Within the five (5) minutes prior to the close of a trading day, only bid (ask) orders at the up (down) limit price exist in the book, or all the ask (bid) orders are instantly filled at the limit price.

15“最小变动价位”,是指该合约的单位价格涨跌变动的最小值。“minimum price fluctuation”The minimum movement of the trading price of the contract.

16“期货合约交割月份”,是指该期货合约标明进行交割的月份。“delivery month”The month in which the delivery is conducted for the contract.

17“最后交易日”,是指某一合约进行交易的最后一个交易日。“last trading day”The last trading day on which a contract is traded.

18“交易单位”,是指每手合约的标的物数量,交易必须以“一手”的整数倍进行,不同交易品种的交易单位在该品种的合约中载明。“contract size”The quantity of the underlying asset of each lot of the contract. Trading must be conducted in the quantity of the integral multiple of “one lot”。 The contract size of different products shall be specified in the contract of the product.

19“交割品质”,是指合约中载明的标的物的质量要求。“grades and quality specifications”The quality requirements for the underlying asset set forth in the contract.

20“限价指令”,是指执行时必须按限定价格或更好价格成交的指令。“limit order” An order that must be executed at a specified or better price.

21“期货合约的交易价格”,是指该期货合约的交割标准品在指定交割仓库交货的价格,能源中心另有规定的除外。“the trading price of a futures contract” The delivery price of the delivery standard commodities of the futures contract in the Designated Delivery Warehouses, unless otherwise prescribed by the Exchange.

22“开盘价”,是指某一合约开市前五分钟内经集合竞价产生的成交价格。集合竞价未产生成交价格的,以集合竞价后第一笔成交价为开盘价。“open price”The trading price of a contract generated through central auction within the five minutes before the market opening. If a trading price is not generated from the auction, the first trading price after the auction shall be the open price.

23“收盘价”,是指某一合约当日交易的最后一笔成交价格。“close price”The last trading price of the day for a certain contract.

24“当日结算价”,是指某一合约当日规定时段内成交价格按照一定原则确定的加权平均价。当日无成交价格的,当日结算价的确定方式另行规定。“daily settlement price”The weighted average price of those trades happened within the specified period of a trading day of a certain contract in accordance with specified principles. If there is no trading in a trading day, the daily settlement price shall be determined by the Exchange as prescribed in related provisions.

25“保证金”,是指期货交易者按照规定交纳的资金或者提交的价值稳定、流动性强的标准仓单、国债等有价证券用于结算和保证履约。“margin” Cash or standard warrants, treasury bonds or other securities with stable value and high liquidity provided by futures trading participants in accordance with the Exchange‘s rules to be used in clearing and settlement and to guarantee performance of the trades.

26“交易保证金”,是指会员在能源中心专用结算账户中确保合约履行的资金,是已被合约占用的保证金。“trading margin”The fund deposited by a Member in dedicated settlement account with the Exchange to ensure the fulfillment of the contract and already used as margin for the position hold by the Member.

27“结算准备金”,是指会员为了交易结算在能源中心专用结算账户中预先准备的资金,是未被合约占用的保证金。“clearing reserve”The fund deposited by the Members and reserved in the dedicated settlement account with the Exchange for the purpose of settlement. Such reserve fund is a type of guarantee fund that is not yet used as margin for the position held by the Member.

28“风险准备金”,是指由能源中心设立,用于为维护期货市场正常运转提供财务担保和弥补因能源中心不可预见风险带来的亏损的资金。“risk reserve”A fund set up by the Exchange to ensure the operation of futures market and to make up the losses caused by unforeseeable risks by the Exchange.

29“实物交割”,是指根据能源中心的规则和程序,交易双方通过该合约所载商品所有权的转移,了结未平仓合约的过程。“physical delivery”A type of settlement for expired futures contracts by the paired buying and selling parties through the transfer of the ownership of the underlying asset of the contract in accordance with the rules and procedures of the Exchange.

30“交割结算价”,是指期货合约交割结算的基准价。“final settlement price” The benchmark price for the delivery of a futures contract.

31“标准仓单”,是指定交割仓库按照能源中心规定程序签发的、在能源中心标准仓单管理系统生成的标准化提货凭证。“standard warrant” The standardized certificate for withdrawal that is issued by Designated Delivery Warehouses in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Exchange and generated by the Exchange in the standard warrants management system.

32“指定交割仓库”,是经能源中心指定的为合约履行实物交割的交割地点。“Designated Delivery Warehouses”A delivery venue designated by the Exchange to perform the physical delivery of the contract.


33“指定存管银行”,是指经能源中心指定从事期货保证金存管业务的银行。“Designated Settlement Banks”A bank designated by the Exchange that engage in the futures margins custodian business.

34“指定检验机构”,是指经能源中心指定从事期货商品检验业务的检验机构。“Designate Inspection Agencies”The inspection agencies designated by the Exchange that engage in the inspection of commodity for futures.

35“持仓限额”是指能源中心规定的会员、境外特殊参与者、境外中介机构或客户持仓的最大数量。“position limit”Maximum position allowed to be held by a Member, an Overseas Special Participant, an Overseas Intermediary or a Client.

36“中国”,是指中华人民共和国;“时间”,均为中国北京时间。除特别说明外,“国家”是指中国,“期货市场”是指能源中心期货市场, “以上”、“以下”、“以内”均含本数。The “PRC” is the People’s Republic of China. Any reference to a time adopts Beijing Standard Time. Unless otherwise stated, the “state” refers to the PRC and “the futures market” refers to the futures market in the Exchange. All the sentences that contain “above”, “below” or “within” certain number, the certain number shall be counted in.

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