



Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence - not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.


One of the most complex set of challenges we face and have for many years is in the middle east. Our approach is based on principled realism — not discredited theories that have failed for decades to yield progress. For this reason, my administration recognized the true capital of Israel — and proudly opened the American embassy in jerusalem.


Our brave troops have now been fighting in the middle east for almost 19 years. In afghanistan and iraq, nearly 7,000 American heroes have given their lives. More than 52,000 Americans have been badly wounded. We have spent more than $7 trillion in the middle east. As a candidate for president, I loudly pledged a new approach. Great nations do not fight endless wars. When I took office, ISIS controlled more than 20,000 square miles in iraq and syria. Just two years ago. Today, we have liberated virtually all of that territory from the grip of these bloodthirsty killers. Now, as we work with our allies to destroy the remnants of ISIS, it is time to give our brave warriors in syria a warm welcome home. I have also accelerated our negotiations to reach a political settlement in afghanistan. The opposing side is also very happy to be negotiating. Our troops have fought with unmatched valor — and thanks to their bravery, we are now able to pursue a political solution to this long and bloody conflict.


In Afghanistan, my administration is holding constructive talks with a number of afghan groups, including the Taliban. As we make progress in these negotiations, we will be able to reduce our troop presence and focus on counter-terrorism. And we will indeed focus on counterterrorism. We do not know whether we will achieve an agreement — but we do know that after two decades of war, the hour has come to at least try for peace. And the other side would like to do the same thing. It is time.


Above all, friend and foe alike must never doubt this nation’s power and will to defend our people. 18 years ago, violent terrorists attacked the uss cole — and last month American forces killed one of the leaders of the attack. We are honored to be joined tonight by Tom Wibberley, whose son, navy seaman Craig Wibberley, was one of the 17 sailors we tragically lost. Tom, we vow to always remember he heroes of the uss cole.

最重要的是,无论是朋友还是敌人,都绝不能怀疑这个国家保卫我们人民的力量和意志。18年前,暴力恐怖分子袭击了科尔号航空母舰——上个月,美国军队杀死了这次袭击的一名领导人。今晚,汤姆·威伯利(Tom Wibberley)加入我们的行列,他的儿子、海军水手克雷格·威伯利(Craig Wibberley)是我们不幸失去的17名水手之一。汤姆,我们发誓永远记住科尔号航空母舰的英雄们。

My administration has acted decisively to confront the world’s leading state sponsor of terror — the radical regime in iran. It is a radical regime. They do bad, bad things. To ensure this corrupt dictatorship never acquires nuclear weapons, I withdrew the United States from the disastrous iran nuclear deal. And last fall, we put in place the toughest sanctions ever imposed on a country.

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