Round One: Achieving Prosperity/实现富裕.
背景:从下图可见美国的失业率自金融危机以来逐渐回落到5%的水平, 但是收入不均现象仍旧险峻,有一半的美国人生活拮据,靠工资度日。
“Why are you a better choice than your opponent to create the kinds of jobs that will put more money in the pockets of American workers?”
“First, we have to build an economy that works for everyone not just for those at the top. That means we need new jobs, good jobs, with rising incomes. I want us to invest in you. I want us to invest in your future. That means jobs in infrastructure, in advanced manufacturing, in innovation, in technology, clean renewable energy and small businesses."
“We also have to make the economy fairer. That starts with raising the minimum wage and guarantee finally equal pays for women’s work……I also want to see more companies do profit sharing.”
“Our jobs are fleeing the country.” “You look at what China is doing to our country in terms of making our product. They are de-valuing their currency and there is nobody in our government to fight them.” “They are using our country as a piggy back to build China.” “We are losing our good jobs. So many of them.”
“Under my plan, I’ll be reducing taxes, tremendously, from 35% to 15% for company, small and big businesses.” “We have to renegotiate our trade deals and we have to stop these countries from stealing our companies and jobs.”
希拉里回应特朗普的开堂。她以退为进,首先肯定了贸易和降低税收的重要性,然后将话题拉回自己的论点:fair trade deal(公平贸易),反驳说:
“The kind of plan that Donald is put forward would trickle down economy all over again. And that would be the most extreme version.” “That is not how we grow the economy. ”
“I think we come out of it with somewhat different perspectives. I understand that. You know Donald was very fortunate in his life and that’s all to his benefit. He started his business with 14 million dollar borrowed from his father. And he really believes that the more you help wealthy people, the better off will be. I don’t buy that.”
“What I believe is that the more we can do for the middle class, the more we can invest in’ you, your education, your skills, your future, the better we’ll be off and the better we grow.”
主持人对特朗普施压,追问:How would you force companies to bring jobs back to U.S.?/你要怎么让公司和工作机会回到美国。
“Secretary Clinton? Yes? Is that Ok? I want you to be very happy.”
“When she started to talk about this. It was really very recently. She’s been doing this for thirty years and why hasn’t she made the agreement better?”
place a substantial tariff on imported goods/对进口货物加重关税。强制性阻止工作机会流失海外。
“We are 5% of the world’s population. We have to trade with the other 95%,”