


英音 [buk] ;
美音 [bʊk] ;
1. 可数名词: 书,书籍;着作
2. 可数名词: 簿;本子
4. 可数名词: 装订成书本形的同类物品
5. 可数名词:(大型着作的)卷,篇,部
7. 可数名词: 赌注登记(如赌马等)
8.(the book)电话号码簿
1.[I,T][book sth (up)]预订(位子, 膳宿等),预购(票等); 及物动词:[book sb on sth]为某人预订(飞机等的)座位/票等;[Tn]预约或雇用(某人)
2. 及物动词: 【口】将(某人)的姓名记在本子上或记录内(尤指控告)
3.(book in)(在旅馆﹑ 机场等处)登记;(book sb in)为某人预订(旅馆房间等)
  • 名称 booker
  • 时态 booked,booking,books
  • a record in which commercial accounts are recorded
  • a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance
  • the sacred writings of the Christian religions
  • record a charge in a police register
  • arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance
  • register in a hotel booker
  • a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game
  • engage for a performance
  • a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone
  • a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made
  • a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together)
  • the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina
  • physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together
  • a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge
  • a major division of a long written composition
  • book for 【经】 订购往...去的(飞机,车,船)票
  • the book 规定 办法 法规
  • to book adv.目标工作簿
  • book in 登记住入,签到
  • by the book 按常规,墨守成规,照章行事
  • the Book 《圣经》
  • indexed book book 附有索引的书
  • book value n. 帐面价值(账面价值的意思是指资产或负债记录在账上的价值 , 一般并不包括或有资产及或有负债。) 例如:The bank was sold for a fraction of its bo
  • signal book n.(海军的)旗语通信手册
  • spelling book n.单词拼写课本
  • book n. 1.[C] 书,书籍;着作 2.[C] 簿;本子 3.(通常books)帐簿 4.[C] 装订成书本形的同类物品 5.[C](大型着作的)卷,篇,部 6.(通常book)(歌剧的)
  • Book,The 劳依兹船舶年鉴 见Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping.
  • cheque book n. 支票簿
  • note book n. 票据簿
  • pass book n. 银行存折;顾客赊欠帐本
  • exercise book n.练习簿
  • book hunter n. 嗜书者, 搜寻古书者
  • style book 样本
  • play book n. (足球队的)战略和比赛方法手册
  • log book n. 航海日志
  • colostrorrhea的中文翻译及用法 初乳溢
  • colostration的中文意思 初乳病
  • colossus是什么意思 n. 巨像,巨人
  • colossians是什么意思及反义词 n. 歌罗西书
  • colosseum是什么意思 n. 罗马大圆形演技场
  • Colossendeidae怎么翻译及发音 深海蜘蛛科
  • colossal怎么翻译及发音 a. 巨大的,庞大的
  • colosigmoidostomy是什么意思 结肠乙状结肠吻合术

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