



  6.Do you know where ___________ now?

  A. he lives    B. does he live    C. he lived    D. did he live


  考察宾语从句用法。宾语从句引导词后为陈述句语序,排除 B、D,再根据时态,now“现在”,所以选 A。

  7.Do you know what time ___________.

  A. the train leave        B. does the train leave

  C. will the train leave        D. the train leaves


  考察宾语从句用法。宾语从句引导词后为陈述句语序,排除 B、C,the train 为单数,其后动词需用三单 leaves,所以此题选 D。

  8.I don‘t know ___________. Can you tell me, please?

  A. how the two players are old    B. how old are the two players

  C. the two players are how old    D. how old the two players are

  【小升初英语团队解析】考察宾语从句用法。先加引导词,其后接从句,且从句为陈述句语序,句意:我不知道那两个运动员多大年纪。所以此题选 D。

  9.The small children don’t know ___________.

  A. what is their stockings in        B. what is in their stockings

  C. where is their stockings in        D. what in their stockings


  考察宾语从句。句意:小孩子们不知道长筒袜里有什么。从句应为陈述句语序,B 选项 what 做主语,本身就是陈述句,所以选 B。

  10.I can‘t understand ___________.

  A. what does Christmas mean    B. what Christmas does mean

  C. what mean Christmas does    D. what Christmas means


  考察宾语从句用法。宾语从句引导词后为陈述句语序,主语在前,谓语在后,所以选 D。

德迅网 » 2018北京小升初英语备考专题及解析:并列句与名词性从句2