



杨洋出身于艺术世家,自幼擅长绘画,接受了严格的学院派艺术教育。从青年时期开始创作,多年来不断在国内外举办个人画展并参加重要展览活动,许多作品和论文发表于国内外报刊和专业出版物上。多幅作品收藏于中国美术馆、深圳画院、美国Art Student League等机构。



2017 “第二口气──美博夏季联展”,美博文化,北京。

2015 “版画100-2013年度收藏作品展”,深圳画院美术馆,深圳。

2014 “杨洋的童话”,深圳画院美术馆,深圳。

2012 首届中国美协会员油画版画精品展,广东美林美术馆,广州,中国。


2007 “乐园──杨洋油画作品展”,西五艺术中心,北京,中国。

2007 “十五位中国当代艺术家瑞士季节首展”,苏黎世,瑞士。

2006  “Art Student League邀请艺术家联展”并应邀讲学,丹佛,美国。

2005  “中国名家版画作品展”,索非亚国立美术学院,索非亚,保加利亚。

2004  “第十届全国美展”,北京,中国。

2002 “亚洲前卫书法展”,Arvada艺术中心,丹佛,美国。

1999 “第九届全国美展”,北京,中国。

1996 “杨洋作品展”,中国美术馆,北京,中国。


1969 Born in Beijing, China

A Member of China Artists Association

1989 Graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts Middle School, was Recommended for admission to the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

Sponsored by Ministry of Culture and China Ministry of Education to study in Moscow

1995 Graduated from Painting Department of Moscow National Academy of Fine Arts named V. I. Surikov with a Master Degree, Moscow, Russia

Selected Solo Exhibitions and Group Exhibitions:

2014 Yang Yang’s Fairy Tale, Today Gallery, Beijing

2013 “Art Student League” Invited Artists Exhibition, Denver,


FAIRYSCAPES—Yang Yang’s 2013 New Works Exhibition,De Pan Art Space, Beijing

2012 Collection of the 1st Featured Oil Painting and Printmaking Exhibition of Members of China Artists Association, Guangdong Meilin Art Museum, Guangzhou, China

2012 Blossom Season – Solo Exhibition by Yang Yang, Yantai Art

Academe exhibition hall, Yantai, China

2012 Blossom Season – Solo Exhibition by Yang Yang, Orange Gallery,

Guangzhou, China

2011 The Art Way – Yang Yang Solo Exhibition, Gallery 49, Beijing, China

2010 Shanghai Art Fair International Contemporary Art Exhibition,

shanghai, China

2009 Chinese Contemporary Master Prints Exhibition,Chen Ling Hui

Contemporary Space, Taipei, Taiwan

2007 Paradise—Yang Yang Solo Exhibition, C5 Art Center, Beijing, China

2007 MOLI—15 Chinese Contemporary Artists in Art Seasons Lake

Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

2006 “Art Student League” Invited Artists Exhibition & Lecture, Denver,


Chinese Famous Artists Prints Exhibition, Bulgaria Sofia national

Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria

The 10th Chinese National Fine Arts Exhibition, Beijing,


2003 Gallery 99, Aschaffenburg, Germany

2002 Avant-garde Calligraphy, Arvada Art Center, Denver, USA

1999 The 9th Chinese National Fine Arts Exhibition, Beijing, China

The Qingdao International Art Exhibition, Qingdao, China

1996 Yang Yang’s Works, the National Gallery, Beijing, China

Public Collections:

National Art Museum of China

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