



A ban on tourists sitting on Rome's famous Spanish Steps has divided the capital, with criticsdescribing it as excessive and even "Fascist".

罗马针对著 名的西班牙台阶发布的游客“禁坐令”在当地产生了分歧,一些批评人士称其太过分,甚至称其为“法西斯主义”。

Under new rules, police have started telling tourists they can no longer sit on the 135 steps, which sweep from the imposing church of Trinita de' Monti down to Piazza di Spagna in theheart of the city.


Police began patrolling the 18th-century marble steps on Tuesday, blowing whistles at thosesitting down. The monument, a Unesco world heritage site, has long been the ideal resting spotfor tired visitors and holds a special allure at sunset.


Visitors who defy the ban can be fined 250 euros, which increases to 400 euros if they havedirtied or damaged the stone staircase, which was made famous by the 1953 romanticcomedy Roman Holiday, starring Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn.


The new rules are an attempt to stop tourists eating and drinking on the Steps.


The monument was cleaned and restored three years ago, with the 1.5 million euros projectfunded by Bulgari, the jewelers.


Cleaners removed stains left by spilt wine and coffee as well as wads of chewing gum.


But the ban has been condemned as too stringent. Vittorio Sgarbi, a high-profile art criticand cultural heritage expert, said: "The rule is excessive, almost Fascist. Of course themonument should be protected and people should not eat on the steps, but banning touristsfrom sitting down is really excessive. It seems a bit Fascist to me."


A hoteliers' association also criticised the ban. "Banning people from sitting down seems a bitmuch," said Giuseppe Roscioli, the president of the Federalberghi association. "Tourists shouldbe allowed to rest a bit after walking around the city."


But it was welcomed by business owners in the area, which is crammed with brands such asGucci and Prada.


"This is a small return to civility," said Gianni Battistoni, the president of an association ofbusinesses. "To try to check who is damaging the monument by eating and drinking, you wouldneed a police officer for every tourist."


Better to have a blanket ban on tourists sitting down, he told La Stampa newspaper.

他告诉《新闻报》说,最 好全面实施“禁坐令”。

Viviana Di Capua, the head of an association of residents of the historic centre of Rome, said: "Rome needs to be respected and people need to understand that not everything is allowed."


Davide Sermoneta, the head of an association of business owners in the area, said manytourists were badly behaved. "They don't understand that they are in a city of history andbeauty."


After the restoration of the Spanish Steps in 2016, there were calls for fences to be installedat the top and bottom and for them to be locked every night. But the idea was rejected byRome city council.


The sweeping steps were built between 1723 and 1726 by the architect Francesco de Sanctis.


Florence has tried to prevent tourists from sitting on the steps of historic churches by routinelyhosing them down to make them wet and uncomfortable.



This fine comes on the heels of other recent Italian preservation efforts: swimming banned inTrevi fountain; Florence's eating-in-the-streets ban; and, most recently, Venice's decision tostop letting huge cruise ships dock in the city's historic center.


Venice also struggles with slovenly behaviour by the millions of tourists who visit each year andhas stiff fines for people who jump in canals or off bridges, or picnic in public places.


Last month, two German tourists were fined 950 euros for brewing up cups of coffee on acamping stove beneath Venice's famous Rialto bridge.

上月,两名德国游客因在威尼斯著 名的里亚托桥下用野营炉煮咖啡而被罚款950欧元。

While some recent moves seem to be a direct attempt to curb overtourism, this particular fineis aimed squarely at preservation.


Park benches, sidewalk cafes and terraces welcome tired travelers, encouraging guests to sitand stay awhile.


Historic monuments, however, serve a different purpose, one that does not invite wearytravelers to relax in the space but rather to respect it.


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