

Strengthening China Through Education and Talent Cultivation



Despite continual worldwide trade disputes, the pace of globalization is still increasing. At present, all countries are eager to expand their talent pool, and they realize it is imperative to develop their international talent market. China conducts its own talent cultivation, and for that purpose launched the "Double First-Class" initiative in 2017, in order to build world-class universities and first-class disciplines. The formation of world-class universities is inseparable from that of first-class disciplines, and first-class disciplines cannot be created without first-class professors. In addition to fully supporting current professors and improving their disciplines, many university presidents now pay increasing attention to the international talent market. They are trying to attract outstanding overseas talent to participate in the construction of Double First-Class universities in China.


In fact, it is common for many countries to introduce overseas talent to expand their domestic talent reserve-this is also a shortcut for bolstering a country's level of scientific advancement in a short time. The biggest winner in this process is the United States, with its immigration system playing a big part in attracting a wealth of overseas talent. China is now also implementing new mechanisms to attract Chinese students living overseas, and of course international talent as well. Chinese universities are hoping to pull in overseas scholars and experts from the world's top universities and disciplines to accelerate the progress of the Double First-Class initiative.


Those who study or work abroad gain rich and varied work and life experiences. They often have great ambitions and seek the environments that best suit their goals-China can now provide such environments. Its economy is thriving, and some of its big cities now have scientific facilities and workplaces comparable to those of developed countries. The climate for innovation and entrepreneurship continues to improve in China. More importantly, high-level international researchers are warmly welcomed, and the quality of experimental equipment and research platforms that overseas scholars value most has in many cases caught up to and even surpassed what is found in some foreign countries.


The vigorous development of science, technology, and business in China now provides an unprecedented space for growth for talents in all fields. This situation will create a new trend that will result in large numbers of high-level experts living overseas coming back home. China has entered a new stage of transformation in its economic development, in which it is changing from a factor-driven (based on unskilled labor or natural resources and producing mostly basic products), investment-driven economy to an innovation-driven economy. However, the innovation-driven strategy calls for an increased focus on talents, and imposes more stringent requirements on their work. It is vital for China's universities to improve the domestic environment for talent advancement. The best way to attract talent is to give full play to the role of existing talents, and by cultivating them, to produce higher-quality work that will draw even more talent from overseas. At present, many outstanding talents have already returned to China-however, we could make improvements domestically that create conditions more conducive to effective career advancement. Therefore, it is crucial to offer environments that can retain talents and maximize their academic capacity.



The level of work done by experts is closely related to the level of a country's development. China's universities will strengthen the advancement of original science and technology, nurture leading talents, and help to pilot our country in its great voyage toward a new era. And we will strive to build our universities into major strategic centers for innovation, so that they will stand as a guarantee of China's future prosperity through the power of education and talent cultivation.


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