


it's better to learn to appreciate the people and things in front of you than to miss things all the time.


When I was a child,I felt that a day was long and a semester was long.I looked forward to the time passing quickly.When I grew up,I felt that a year was short and a life was short.


The meaning of hard work is that when all the good things come to me,I can embrace them with open arms and feel that I deserve it.


the best cure for life is work,once busy,any bad mood will be left behind,tired to have no energy.


all dull days,in the sun and rain of the hard,in the wind and rain among the rush,will eventually in the years of the next moment,bloom a dazzling brilliance.



not short,do not think of people,do not think of people evil,do not Yang people wrong,can live is the life,can walk is the road.Don't think the road is bumpy,the world is tortuous.


I always believe that through the Years of Pinghu mountains and rivers,those who have experienced all kinds of taste of the world,will be more vivid and clean.


you have to understand sooner or later:irrelevant answer is to answer,silence is to refuse,flickering uncertainty is a lie,give a respectful distance is not happy,that's all,beyond doubt.


If you can't do it,don't say it easily.What is more sad than sadness is empty joy.


There is no need to go to the party you don't want to go,there is no need to please all the audience,there is no need to make yourself seem to fit in,your time should be spent on making yourself better,after all,most people in the world only see your excellence.


Each collapse of the reason others seem to be a storm in a teacup,only their hearts know how much this straw crushed the weight of the sad.



The shape of the world,depends on the eyes you gaze at it,your value depends on your pursuit and mentality.All good wishes,not in waiting to have,but in the struggle for!


there is no need to let others change,leave love to the right person,less boring social,more exercise,more sleep,life is infinitely beautiful.


In your whole life,don't ask others for anything.If someone wants to give it to you,don't ask,they will give it to you;If they refuse,it is useless to plead with them;they hate you.-jin yong


A pessimist has ceased to live,but an optimist never dies.


the real happiness of life,is to find a person to struggle together,love each other,even if the other is not very rich,even if you can not enjoy the life of leisure,but this is you should go to experience the real,down-to-earth life.

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