


  英 [‘li?d?p] 美 [‘li?d?rp]


  n. 领导;领导才干



  the activity of leading;

  “his leadership inspired the team”

  the body of people who lead a group;

  “the national leadership adopted his plan”

  the status of a leader;

  “they challenged his leadership of the union”

  the ability to lead;

  “he believed that leadership can be taught”


  用作名词 (n.)

  He shows quality of leadership.


  He was elected to the leadership of the Labour Party.


  Several candidates had been manoeuvring for position long before the leadership became vacant.


  I’ve learned a lot over the years and developed my leadership qualities.


  I would like to offer my congratulations and appreciations to Professor Daniel Khan, his vision and leadership ensured the Grimsby Institute’s success in China!



  用作名词 (n.)

  动词 ~

  accept leadership 接受领导 exercise leadership 实行领导(权) follow the leadership of 听从…的领导

  形容词 ~

  collective leadership 集体领导 poor〔powerful〕 leadership 无力〔强有力〕的领导

  介词 ~

  under the leadership of 在…的领导下

  ~ 介词

  leadership in 在…方面的领导地位 leadership of the country 国家的领导权


  management 管理 headship 领导者或主管人的地位(能… direction 方向 guidance 指导 governance 统治 control 掌控

  leading 领导的 superiority 优越性 instruction 指令 dominion 统治 supervision 监督 primacy 第一 mastership 主人身份

  sovereignty 主权 reign 君主统治 managership 经理的地位 suggestion 建议 domination 支配 directorship 管理者的职位…

  lordship 阁下 premiership 总理 potency 效力 dominance 支配 recommendation 推荐 governorship 总督(或州长等地方行政长.

  supremacy 至高 rule 规则 kingship 君主身份 superintendency 监督者的地位… lead 引导 hegemony 霸权 regulation 管理

  administration 实施 dictatorship 专政 handling 处理 power 力量 mastery 精通 suzerainty 宗主权 command 命令 influence 影响

  superintendence 管理 presidency 总统(总裁、主席等)的职… chieftainship 酋长或首领的地位… counsel 劝告 sway 摇动 puissance 权力 government 政府 regime 政体 leaders [计算机]前导字符…

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