

Chapter IV Employment Services and Management

第四章 就业服务和管理

Article 32 People's governments at or above the county level shall foster and improve a unitary, open, competitive and orderly market for human resources to provide services to the workers for employment.

第三十二条 县级以上人民政府培育和完善统一开放、竞争有序的人力资源市场,为劳动者就业提供服务。

Article 33 People's governments at or above the county level shall encourage all sectors of the society to carry out activities in the service of employment in accordance with law, provide better guidance in and exercise stricter supervision over public services for employment and the services provided by job intermediaries and gradually improve the employment service system covering urban and rural areas.

第三十三条 县级以上人民政府鼓励社会各方面依法开展就业服务活动,加强对公共就业服务和职业中介服务的指导和监督,逐步完善覆盖城乡的就业服务体系。

Article 34 People's governments at or above the county level shall intensify the development of information networks and relevant facilities for the market of human resources, establish a sound information service system for such market, and improve the system for dissemination of market information.

姐的欢喜 » 中英对照:就业促进法(9)