


  Lights, evergreen trees, and holiday carols are all essential to setting the mood for the Christmas, but if you really want to get into the Christmas spirit, you need to watch a classic Christmas film. To help you do that, Benku8 has compiled a list of our five favorite Christmas movies. We've watched each of these classics countless times—and we don't plan to stop anytime soon.

  1) 《真爱至上》




  对于许多人来说,圣诞节意味着要和心爱的人在一起。《真爱至上》中英国飘雪的街道,以及四周响起圣诞颂歌中,人们不禁好奇,剧中的每一位主人公会有怎样的真爱境遇。每个人都可以从剧中的人物身上找到自己影子——比如总是被女性拒绝的科林, 以及陷入办公室暗恋的萨拉。




  1) Love Actually

  What it's about: As Christmas in England approaches, over a dozen people (including the Prime Minister) explore what it means to find love.

  Why it's a Christmas classic: For many people, Christmas is about being with the people you love. Amidst Love Actually's snowy English streets and tinkling Christmas carols is a burning desire to find out what love truly means to each of its characters. Almost everyone can identify a bit of themselves in each of these characters—from Colin, who is constantly rejected by women, to Sarah, who pines for a fellow office employee.

  Watch this with: Someone you love.

  Our favorite quote: “If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around.” - The Prime Minister

姐的欢喜 » 圣诞必看的5部电影(中英对照)