

1、What market might be efficiently priced?

2、The dresses in the shop are priced high.

3、So what's a geek to do to find reasonably priced trinkets?

4、The trouble is, all this exuberance has already been priced into many valuations.

5、Both were international medal winners and priced accordingly, at a dollar or more a tablespoon.

6、Its high-priced coffee drinks have names like iced Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha and Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino.

7、It’s priced at fifty pounds, and I think that’s a bit steep for a secondhand lawn mower.

8、Yet the calm reaction also shows how, on the Indian side, antagonism with China is already priced in.

9、The unrated two-year issue priced inside initial price guidance, with a coupon of 2.98%, a cheapness driven by extreme scarcity of supply.

10、Making relatively few high-priced big cars is one way to recoup heavy vehicle investments. The other is mass production of cheaper cars.

11、Hotels are still priced at low season rates, tourists will be sparse (even at Angkor) and the countryside will be lush and attractive after the monsoon period.

12、Most of the artwork they offer is priced lower than at many galleries; the most expensive piece they've sold was a $5,000 mural.

13、The trick to winning over the rising middle classes in such markets is not to peddle over-priced patented drugs on the Western model, cursing the local generics firms as rip-off artists.

14、Officials have made some attempts to temper the rise in the past month—scrapping import taxes for onions, banning their export and ordering low-priced sales at government-run shops.

15、The bar and restaurant is where the beautiful people hang out. The food is superb but it is another over-priced, over-designed hangout and I would rather have been back on the hippy beach.

16、Subscribing to play for a maximum of three times with audio, caption, and translation features on could be priced more than copying multimedia onto CDs with the license agreement.

姐的欢喜 » priced造句