




  商务写作要求是简洁、准确,所以不要罗嗦,不要用模糊用语,一定要用具 体数据或具体事例。比如说,你要说今年A公司的营业额很高,一定要说明高到什么程度。讲一个产品很受欢迎,你可以说根据市场调查,10个人中有8个人都喜欢这个产品。

  a) 图表描述,如描述一间公司04年到06年营业额、利润和成本的变化曲线。**段先来一个总起,this report outlines a company’s revenue, profit and cost during the period of 2004 to 2006(可以参考题目,抄一次或者换种说法说一次),一定要简单,清晰。有多少条曲线就分多少段,同理,bar chart有多少条bars就多少段,总结段可加可不加,看情况而定。描述要包括4个方面:起点,终点,转折点,高(低)点,一般包括了都可以及格了。注意句型和用词多变。


  --In 2004, the cost of this company was 3000 yuan, and in 2005 the cost declined to 1005, but it rose a little to 1305 the next year.

  --starting at the peak of 3000 yuan in 2004, the cost of this company, however, dropped dramatically to 1005 yuan the year after, but unfortunately rose somehow to 1305 in the last year.

  --with an appalling start of 3000 yuan in the first year, the company successfully made a major 34% cut at the cost the year after and secured it at 1005,however, the cost inevitably expanded to 1305 in the last year.

  总结三种表达方式,有三种开头形式,-ing形式开头,with + 名词开头,主语开头。其实每一条曲线写的都差不多是这些,但是一篇文章里面要尽量不重复用句型和词语,所以要多看多写多积累,灵活运用。

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