
以“Saving the Earth”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文

人类只有一个地球。根据提示,以“Saving theEarth”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。

提示: (1)如何保护环境已成为世界最大难题之一;




Saving the Earth

How to protect the environment has become one of thebiggest problems in the world. There are many kinds of pollutions around us,such as air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution and light pollution. Wecan find that rubbish not only pollutes our environment but also harms people’s health. So we should not throw rubbisheverywhere. Some factories pour waste water into the rivers and the lakes. Thebehavior of these factories will pollute the water, and sometimes it can killthe fish living in them.

We have only one earth. We must keep our environment cleanand tidy. We must try our best to protect her, and make our home morebeautiful.

5“保护环境,人人有责”,请以How to Be aGreener Person 为题,写一篇有关环保的短文,并适当发表你的看法。(80词左右)【参考范文】

How to Be a Greener Person

It’s our duty to protect theenvironment around us. The three Rs—reduce, reuse andrecycle—are important. I think we’d better not buy bottles or boxes which people can only use once. Weshould turn off the lights when we are not using them. We can give old clothesto others to reuse them. When we go shopping, we’dbetter take a cloth bag rather than use plastic bags. We shouldn’t throw things away if they can be reused, repaired or recycled. It’s important for us to protect animals and plants. We are supposed toprevent the factory from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and so on. Ifeveryone is doing that, our world will become more and more beautiful.

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