
双语美文:真正的自我 从不会被弄丢

  "Finding yourself" is not really how it works.  “找回迷失的自我”并非正确的思考方式。  You aren't a ten-dollar bill in last winter's coat pocket.  别把自己当成一张十美元的钞票,隐藏在去年冬天穿过的大衣口袋里。  You are also not lost.  你也并没有迷失自己。  Your true self is right there  你真正的自我就在此处  buried under cultural conditioning   它被深深的埋藏起来了,在它之上覆盖着文化规训  other people's opinions  他人的界定  and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid  还有你孩童时期得到的模糊的教训  that became your beliefs about who you are.  正是这些成为你对自己的认识  "Finding yourself" is actually returning to yourself.  “找回迷失的自我”其实就是回归自我  An unlearning an excavation a remembering who you were  未受教化的,等待你发觉的,如同一段模糊的回忆一般的自我  before the world got its hands on you.  在世界磨光你的棱角之前的自我 

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