
流行语,popular words英语短句,例句大全

流行语,popular words
1)popular words流行语
1.Exterior cause of language variation of Chinese popular words;汉语流行语语言变异的外部诱因
2.On the compiling of popular words dictionary and examples choosing;试述流行语词典编纂与例句选择问题
3.The influence and pervasion of popular culture on social popular words;流行文化对流行语的影响和渗透


1.Etymological Study of the Popular Term "PK"--Disussion on Analysis of the Popular Term "PK";流行语“PK”词源研究——评议《流行语“PK”解析》
2.Observing Popular Culture from the Popular Words;从流行语看流行文化——以超女选秀为例
3.Analysis on the Language Motivation of the Catchwords Model "Hen × Hen ××";“很×很××”流行语模式的语言动因分析
4.On the Features of Catchwords and Its Linguistical and Psychological Explanations;流行语的特点及语言学、心理学解释
5.On the Semantic Extension and Generalization of Shanzhai“山寨”——流行语的语义衍生与泛化
6.On the Aesthetic Qualities in Modern Popular Words and Popular Culture论现代流行语中体现的语言美学特质
7.Analysis on English Borrowing Words in Chinese Popular Language;试析当前汉语流行语中的英语借词现象
8.Analysis on the Characteristics and Expression Forms of Modern Vogue English;现代英语流行语的特点及语言表现形式
9.Translation of Top 10 China's New Hot Words of 2008:From the Perspective of Cognitive Pragmatics2008年十大汉语流行语翻译:认知语用学视阈
10.An Analysis of the Internalization of Loan Words on the Internet in China从网络流行语看汉语中英语外来词的汉化
11.The Ways of and Reasons for Formation of Popular Network Language--Taking those in 2008 for Example网络流行语的构成方式及形成原因——以2008年网络流行语为例
12.On Foreignization of Network Language from New Words and Phrases in the Year 2007;从猪年的新词酷语看网络流行语的异化
13.Slang words are often ephemeral.俚语往往只流行于一时.
14.the revival of the Welsh language威尔士语的重新流行.
15.someone who can use sign language to communicate.能用手语进行交流的人。
16.Bilingual classes are more prevalent.双语教学班级更为流行。
17.Popularity and characteristics of the new terms in modern Chinese language;中国当代汉语新词语的流行及其特征
18.The Code-switching in Lyrics of Pop Songs Under the View of Pragmatics语用观下流行歌曲歌词中的语码转换


1.English catchwords in the 20th century and the changes of American-British society and culture;从20世纪的英语流行语看英美社会文化的变迁
2.Most studies concerning catchwords in news headlines are done in terms of rhetoric without touching upon causes of this linguistic phenomenon or the question of how it works.新闻标题大量使用流行语的现象已引起语言学界的关注,但现有的研究大都是从修辞的角度进行描述和分析,未阐释其产生的原因及作用机制。
3.The sources and characteristics of the catchwords model "Hen × Hen ××" are analyzed in this paper.对"很×很××"这一流行语模式的来源、特点进行分析,认为这一语言结构模式背后的语言美学功能的制约因素是其成为当前网络流行语的内在动因。
1.Most studies concerning catchwords in news headlines are done in terms of rhetoric without touching upon causes of this linguistic phenomenon.新闻标题使用流行语是一种常见的社会语用现象,已经引起语言学界的关注,但是现有的研究大都是从修辞的角度进行描述和分析,未阐释其形成的原因。
2.Classify catchword into new catchword,standing catchword,historical catchword and seasonal catchword according to the time attribute.通过对1947~2002年,共计56年的《人民日报》新闻语料进行统计分析,按照流行语的时间属性,将流行语分为新流行语、持续流行语、历史流行语以及周期流行语,分析了新词语、流行语与高频有意义串的异同,列举《人民日报》中的实例,定性定量地分析了流行语的特点。
3.In the Year China Catchword Evaluation carried on by authoritative organization,the catchword of tourism holds the remarkable space.流行语是社会流行现象和热点问题的集中反映。
4)popular language流行语
1.The article elaborates upon the origin and characteristics of popular language as well as the types and characteristics of network language.本文阐述了社会流行语的特点、来源以及网络语言的类别和特点 ,探讨了流行语和网络语言对现代汉语的影响 ,对流行语和网络语言的规范提出了建议。
2.This text attempts to discuss how various popular language phenomenon is created and changes coupled with the epoch conditions and historical context.流行语作为大众文化、大众语言的一种重要代表与典型表现,具有颠覆与建构的双重属性,受其自身的特质以及文化、语言的规律的制约,要求我们客观、科学地应对它所表现的语言规范问题。
3.Civil popular language expresses the aspirations of the people’s thinking,but also shows the vitality of civil society to create.流行语既是一种语言现象,又是一种文化现象,而且更重要的是一种社会现象,它是人类现实生活的心理投影,也是人类生活欲求的情感表露,同时也是对某些丑恶现象的针砭和讽喻。
1.Definition and Tentative Description of Catchphrases;流行语的界说与初步描写
2.This paper mainly analyzes catchphrases in China.本文主要对当代中国的流行语进行分析。
3.This paper tentatively discusses the principles of Linguistic Economics that the internet catchphrases follow the economics of languages for its appearance, dynamics, word formation and flood spreading has just reflect the principles of brevity, equilibrium and least effort in economics.文章初步讨论了网络流行语所遵循的语言经济学原则,指出网络流行语的产生、动态发展,以及其构词法和泛洪传播特性恰恰体现了语言网络效应,均衡和省力的语言经济学原则,认为网络流行语的发展符合一般语言的发展规律,考察它可以丰富语言经济学的研究。
6)English catchphrases英语流行语



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