



2018-01-25  中国教育在线    

1.The exam was postponed the class was canceled as well.(simple sentence)

The exam was postponed. The class was canceled as well.

2.You send more time studying. You are going to get better grades.(complex sentence)

If you send more time studying, you are going to get better grades.

3.Mary is bright. She is beautiful. She is considerate.(parallel structure)

Mary is bright, beautiful and considerate.

4.It was nearly dark. A snowmobile appeared. The snowmobile was roaring. It was running without lights it hit Mrs. Clifford.(long sentence)

It was nearly dark, and a roaring snowmobile hit Mrs. Clifford because it was running without lights.

5.Helen pulled the lid of the manhole(下水道). She did it with all of her strength(simple sentence with prepositional phrase at the beginning)

With all of her strength, Helen pulled the lid of the manhole.

6.Louis approached the dean’s office. She walked at a slow pace.(simple sentence with –ing phrase at the beginning)

Walking at a slow pace, Louis approached the dean’s office.

7.Cindy lay on the couch. She was exhausted from working all day.(simple sentence with –ed phrase)

Cindy lay on the couch, exhausted from working all day.

8.Mary squirmed in her seat as she waited for her turn to speak. She was nervous.(compound sentence with –ly opener).

Nervously, Mary squirmed in her seat as she waited for her turn to speak.

9.James Joyce’s Ulysses, a long and complicated novel and which is on our reading list, has been banned by the school board.(parallel structure)

James Joyce’s Ulysses, which is a long and complicated novel and which is on our reading list, had been banned by the school board.

10.My father bought me a present, and it was digital wristwatch.(complex sentence)

My father bought me a present which was a digital wristwatch.

11.Louise eyed the perfume. She carried a purse. The purse was already open. The clerk turned around. Louis put the perfume in her purse. The store manager told the judge that he saw all this happen.(long sentence)

The store manager told the judge that he saw Louise put the perfume she eyed in her carrying purse, which was already open, as the clerk turned around

12.Joan who is a weight lifter, is my neighbor.(simple sentences)

Joan is a weight lifter. Joan is my neighbor.



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