


  英 [d?] 美 [d?]


  n. 欢乐;喜悦;乐趣;[大写] 乔伊(女子名)

  v. 高兴;喜悦



  the emotion of great happiness

  something or someone that provides a source of happiness;

  “a joy to behold”

  “the pleasure of his company”

  “the new car is a delight”


  feel happiness or joy

  make glad or happy


  用作名词 (n.)

  He is in immeasurable joy.


  I saw the joy in her smiling face.


  Tears of joy streamed down her face.


  Joy mingled with surprises.


  She discovered the joy of writing.


  用作动词 (v.)

  I joy to see you so successful.


  She smiled and could not hold back tears of joy.


  A smile expressed her joy at the news.



  用作名词 (n.)

  动词 ~

  anticipate joy 期待欢乐 awaken joy 唤起欢快的情绪 blight joy 破坏了乐趣 bring about joy 带来喜悦 cause joy 产生欢喜之情,带来喜悦 derive joy from 从(某事)得到乐趣

  excite joy 激起喜悦心情 experience joy 感到愉快 express joy 表现出喜悦心情 feel joy 感到高兴 find joy 得到欢乐 find joy in helping others 以帮助他人为乐

  hide one’s joy 掩盖内心的高兴 intoxicate with joy 陶醉于快乐之中 jump for joy 高兴得跳起来 leap for joy 高兴地跳起来 radiate joy 流露出欢乐

  share joy and sorrow 同甘共苦,休戚与共 show joy 表现高兴 snatch joy 获得乐趣 take joy 获得欢乐

  形容词 ~

  benevolent joy 好善乐施 boundless joy 无限的欢乐 common joy 共同的高兴 concentrated joy 格外的高兴 cradle joy 儿时的乐趣 early joy 早期的乐趣

  earth-born joy 天生的乐趣 evident joy 明显的喜悦 frank joy 真诚的高兴 grateful joy 非常高兴 great joy 极为欢乐,极大的乐趣 hearty joy 发自内心的高兴

  homely joy 家庭的欢乐 increasing joy 不断增加的欢乐 indescribable joy 难以形容的喜悦 ineffable joy 说不出来的欢乐 inexpressible joy 说不出来的欢乐

  inward joy 内心的喜悦 lasting joy 永久的欢乐 malignant joy 幸灾乐祸 overwhelming joy 极其高兴 pretty joy 特别的高兴 profound joy 甚为得意

  quite joy 非常高兴 secret joy 暗地里高兴 sheer joy 绝对高兴 sounding joy 大笑 strange joy 不自在的高兴 temporary joy 一时的欢乐 transient joy 短暂的欢乐

  triumphant joy 胜利的喜悦 unbelieving joy 不相信的乐趣 unbounded joy 无限的欢乐 unbridled joy 无限的欢乐 unprecedented joy 前所未有的喜悦

  unreasoning joy 莫明其妙的欢乐 unutterable joy 说不出的喜悦 wild joy 狂喜,欣喜若狂 wonderful joy 非常高兴 worldly joy 世间的欢乐 youthful joy 年轻的欢乐

  ~ 名词

  joy bells (教堂为喜庆等事而敲的)报喜钟

  介词 ~

  for joy 高兴得… in joy 快快活活,高高兴兴 to sb’s joy 使某人高兴的是 with joy 满怀喜悦地

  ~ 介词

  joys of the life 生活的快乐 joy of victory 胜利的喜悦


  过去式: joyed 过去分词: joyed 现在分词: joying 第三人称单数: joys


  delight gladness happiness pleasure satisfaction

姐的欢喜 » joy是什么意思