
话题是“My friends”,请你写一篇英语短文


为了提高英语写作能力,你和你的美国笔友Jack约定你每周就一个话题写一篇短文发给他,他对你的作文进行点评指导。假如这次的话题是“My friends”,请你写一篇英语短文介绍你的两位朋友(一位与你相似,一位不同于你),然后发给Jack


1. 定基调




2. 列提纲、写句子




I have lots of good friends. Although we don’t see each other often, we know each other very well. Here are two of my best friends Jenny and Linda.



(1) Jenny ______________(和我相似) in some ways.

(2) We both ______________(长着小眼睛,戴眼镜).

(3) We are both ______________(个子高,有点胖).

(4) We are both ______________(外向的).

(5) Both of us enjoy ______________(一起读书).


(6) Linda ______________(和我不同).

(7) She ______________(长着乌黑的大眼睛).

(8) She ______________(比我矮、瘦).

(9) She ______________(比我安静).

(10) At school, we are both hard-working, but she ______________(更加努力), so she always ______________(取得比我更好的成绩).


I don’t care if friends are the same as me or different (11)______________(只要他们好).

3. 巧衔接

(1)写我和朋友相同点时可用andalso罗列;还可运用词汇的重复使前后句衔接自然,语意连贯,如similar to, we both, we are both, both of us等。


4. 添佳句

Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they are there.


5. 成篇章

I have lots of good friends. Although we don’t see each other often, we know each other very well. Here are two of my best friends Jenny and Linda.







2. 列提纲、写句子

(1) is similar to me

(2) have small eyes and wear glasses

(3) tall and a little bit heavy

(4) outgoing   (5) reading together

(6) is different from me   (7) has big black eyes

(8) is shorter and thinner than me

(9) is quieter than me

(10) is more hard-working; gets better grades than me

(11) as long as they’re good

5. 成篇章

I have lots of good friends. Although we don’t see each other often, we know each other very well. Here are two of my best friends Jenny and Linda.

Jenny is similar to me in some ways. We both have small eyes and wear glasses. We are both tall and a little bit heavy, and we are both outgoing. Also, both of us enjoy reading together.

But Linda is different from me! She has big black eyes. She is shorter and thinner than me. Linda is quieter than me. At school, we are both hard-working, but she is more hard-working, so she always gets better grades than me.

I don’t care if friends are the same as me or different as long as they’re good. I think good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they are there.

姐的欢喜 » 话题是“My friends”,请你写一篇英语短文