

  As the train picked up its speed the passengers slowly settled down on their seats.  火车开始缓缓加速,乘客们挨个儿在座位上坐定。  I reserved the lower berth so that I could enjoy the beauty of out side from the moving train.  我预购了下铺的车票,如此一来,火车向前行驶的时候,我就可以欣赏窗外的风景了。  I don't know why I always preferred to get the window seat.  我也不知道自己为什么总是偏爱靠窗的位子。  An elderly lady occupied the front seat of mine.  一位老太太在我前面的位置坐下。  I looked at her.  我看了看她。  She must be in her eighties I guessed.  这大概是一位耄耋之年的老人,我猜测。  At one point we met our eyes.  偶然的,我们四目相接。  She smiled at me. With courtesy I gave her response.  她对我报以微笑,我也彬彬有礼的表示回礼。  Both of us were silent.  我们俩都没说话。  By that time the train was in its full speed.  这时,火车正全速前进。  It was 4:50 pm evening time.  那时的时间是下午4点50分。  So bed time was still in a long way.  离睡觉的时间还早着呢。  I couldn't resist myself any longer and asked 'Auntie! Where are you going?'  我实在忍不住寂寞,就问道,“阿姨,您这是到哪儿去呀?”  She looked at me and friendly said 'Army camp dear.'  她看看我,友好的说:"我到军营里去,亲爱的。”  Suddenly my enthusiasm doubled to know the reason. I politely said 'Aunty you are visiting someone?'  我顿时兴致倍增,更想刨根问底了。我礼貌的问,“您去拜访什么人吗?”  She smiled triumphantly and said 'Yes!'  她露出自豪的微笑,说到“没错。”  Just to linger the conversation I talked to her in a very jolly mood  我还不想住嘴,一副兴高采烈的样子对她说,  'Auntie you must be feeling so excited to see your child and your grand children.'  “阿姨,能看到自己的孩子和孙子,您一定很高兴。“  Perhaps this question hurt her a little but boldly she answered  听到我的问题,她似乎有些被戳到痛处,但她还是宽容的答道,  'Oh dear! You are so sweet!  “哦,亲爱的,你太好了。  Anyways I had only one son who joined in army  不过,我只有一个儿子参军  and was killed by the terrorist attack just few days before.  就在几天前,他在一场恐怖袭击中去世了。  I bought so many new clothes with the winter garments for him.  我还给他买了这么多衣服,准备过冬穿呢。  So I thought why not I would spare my son's clothes to some other soldiers  所以,我就想,为什么不把给儿子的衣服送给其他的士兵呢  so that I would restraint my sorrow and would be happy thinking that my own son has worn it.  这样一来,我的悲伤或许会减轻一些,看到他们穿着这些衣服,就像我自己的儿子穿着一样,我一定会很高兴。  He was a bachelor so I don't have any grand child.'  他还是个单身汉,所以我还没有孙子呢。”  I was stunned hearing her heart breaking story!  她的故事简直让人心碎,我目瞪口呆!  But I saluted the old lady from the core of my heart.  可是,我又从心底生出对这位老妇人的敬意。  I was thinking of her brave heart!  我想,她的心多么坚强呀!【看这里~】如果大家有兴趣的话,请关注【 英语巴士网-英语美文 】栏目英语巴士网整合了您可能感兴趣的相关英语学习资料,可以多看一下哦(^_^)欢迎扫描二维码关注英语巴士公众号!(编辑:bruce)

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