

Article 40 For establishment of a job intermediary, the following conditions shall be met:

第四十条 设立职业中介机构应当具备下列条件:

(1) having a definite charter and rules of management;


(2) having fixed premises, office facilities and a certain amount of startup funds, which are essential to the business;

(3) having a certain number of full-time staff members armed with the appropriate professional qualifications;


(4) and other conditions prescribed by laws and regulations.


For establishment of a job intermediary, administrative permission shall be applied for in accordance with law. The job intermediary that obtains such permission shall register with the administrative department for industry and commerce.


No institution that has not obtained permission and registered in accordance with law may engage in job intermediary activities.


If where are regulations separately formulated by the State with respect to the job intermediaries that are funded by foreign investment or that offer to people overseas employment services, the provisions there shall prevail.


姐的欢喜 » 中英对照:就业促进法(12)