



  Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.





  In this essay, I will argue that while graduates in a certain field are necessary for a healthy economy, a society as a whole benefits from a plurality of experts.

  Nowadays, subjects such as finance, accounting, engineering and chemistry are regarded as desirable fields of study due to the demand from businesses for graduates able to push R &D forward or keep the wheels of the company running smoothly. Graduates from the so-called STEM subjects have been shown to consistently outrank their peers in earning potential straight out of university, leading to the logical conclusion that humanities subjects, such as history, art or literature, are less desirable or even pointless wastes of time. While this is certainly true from a purely mercantile point of view, we must ask ourselves what a society comprised entirely of STEM graduates would look like.

  Immediately, one can see two problems arising from this scenario. The first is that there are only a certain number of jobs to go around. If everyone were to study only those subjects deemed worthwhile by corporate interests, we would swiftly see a rise in the number of overqualified engineers serving burgers in McDonalds and neuroscientists washing car windshields. While the average level of skeptical empiricism among the public would rise (a good thing), it would almost certainly lead to a rebalancing of the scales, where the value of STEM graduates would steadily decline (probably a bad thing). Secondly, we are forced to ask ourselves what the measure of a man truly is. If a man is defined purely by his earning potential, then this would be a utopian vision - unfortunately, man appears to be a messy, complex animal, driven by multiple needs.

  Famously, Maslow defined the hierarchy of these needs as food, shelter, clothing, socialisation and self-actualisation, the last point being particularly pertinent to this argument. What kind of television would we watch in this society? Endless channels devoted to university lecture courses perhaps? A series devoted to an accountant as she works her way from one end of a fiscal ledger to the next? What music would we listen to? Maybe a mathematically perfect sequence of notes, procedurally generated from an algorithm. With such “wooly” subjects as psychology and social care gone, what happens to the soul? What happens when the unregulated world of emotion and desire come into conflict with the regimented order of such a system?

  Much as its advocates would like to deny it, such a society would exist only to churn out automata - people engineered to fill a function,with all the quirks of personality an aberration unable to be neatly placed into an excel column and therefore superfluous to needs. While such a society would be immensely profitable, one must ask whether it could truly be called human.

  (468 words)







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