

俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me(2)


Luckily, I have a sister who is five years older than me. She was in Grade 2 or 3 when I was four or five years old. So, she could read the Chinese characters to me. In this way, I gradually learned a lot of Chinese characters. So, when I was in Grade two, I was able to read novels, including the Chinese classical masterpiece "Water Margin" and so on. From here, I started to enjoy studying. Throughout my life, although I’m not good at mathematics as no one in my family was able to teach me, my Chinese has been very good.


俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me

When I was in high school, I encountered some difficulties. However, my mom spared no effort in supporting me to get high school education. When I graduated from high school, China just started reform and opening up. This gave me an opportunity for university education through college entrance examination. I began to work hard to prepare for the exam. It has always been my father and mother’s hope that I can leave the countryside and go to college. I studied really hard and took the college entrance examinations three times. I didn't succeed in the first year. Neither did I got it the second time. In the third year, I talked to my mother: mom, can you not let me do farm this year, I want to spend all my time studying. She agreed , and finally I got a very good score and entered the best university in China--Peking University. From here, I embarked on journey that taught me the true meaning for education. It also planted seeds for me to become an educator in the future.


Of course, my parents have many other influences on me. The kindness, hospitality, helpfulness to others are all part of my personality which I learned from my parents. Their perseverance in the face of hardship had a major impact on me and I became a person that’s kind, hospitable, and can well be tough in face of difficult times. I believe such qualities are more important than the education I received in school because they lay an important foundation for success.

俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me

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