

英文文法: 句子分析: I’m gonna do my term paperSource: Zhihu
(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

I'm gonna do my term project on service design, uh, what you see as a customer… the physical layout of the building, the parking lot.

alexcwlin comments:
Sentence to be analysed:“I'm gonna do my term project on service design, uh, what you see as a customer… the physical layout of the building, the parking lot.”

“I” (Pronoun; Note: “I’m” is abbreviated form of “I am”);

Verb:  “‘m gonna do my term paper on service design” (Note: “gonna” is an informal form for “going to” (see https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/gonna)
composed of:

a.      “am going”: Present Continuous Tense” “am” (Verb to be) + going (Present Participle);
(Note: for discussion on “am going to”, see: https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-m_going-to.htm)

b.     “to do my term paper”: Infinitive Adverbial Phrase modifying “am going” telling where “I” am going, with “to” (Infinitive marker) + “do” (Verb in base form) + “my term paper” (Noun Phrase, Object of “do”); and

c.      “on service design”: Prepositional Adjective Phrase describing what “my term paper” is all about, with “on” (Preposition) + “service design” (Noun Phrase, Object of Preposition “on”).

Interjection: “ur”:

Apposition: “what you see as a customer…the physical layout of the building, the parking lot.” (Noun Phrase, giving information on the Noun Phrase right next to it, i.e., “service design”),
composed of the following:

a.      “what you see as a customer” (Noun Phrase; “what” is the same as “that which”, and “that” is a Pronoun referring to the description in the Adjectival Phrase introduced by the Relative Pronoun “which”: “which you see as a customer”;

b.     …: Ellipsis Dots, representing the words being omitted;

c.      “the physical layout of the building, the parking lot”: Noun Phrases, the remaining part of the Appositive.


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