

1、IT IS the strangest of courtroom dramas.

2、For all their realism, these dramas remain, at heart, fiction.

3、The website has claimed that it only provides licensed content, including movies, TV dramas, news footage, *variety shows and cartoons.

4、Then HBO, a subscription outfit mostly known for boxing and films, decided to try its hand at hour-long dramas.

5、Although several American TV dramas have appeared on domestic TV channels, they are aired months, even years, after their initial US airing.

6、In the lobbies of office blocks, waiting for the lift, you can catch a glimpse of English club football - goalmouth dramas, shots of arsene Wenger looking pensive and Newcastle fans celebrating.

7、Let us share a fantastic artic and literature feast, make the public coming to appreciate learn more about Taiwanese local Ge-Zai Opera to achieve the traditional passing for generations and the promotion effects of Taiwanese traditional dramas and plays.

8、It has three popular, admired dramas in "Boardwalk Empire" (pictured, right) "True Blood" (a vampire series set in Louisiana) and "Game of Thrones" (a fantasy set in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros).

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