钟磊(香港中文大学哲学系副教授) 0 0
中文名:钟磊 民族: 出生地:重庆 毕业院校:美国密歇根大学 学位/学历:博士 职业: 专业方向:哲学 职务: 学术代表作: 主要成就: 国 籍:中国 职 务:香港中文大学哲学系副教授 研究领域:心灵哲学、道德哲学
钟磊(1975-)男,重庆人,哲学博士,香港中文大学哲学系助理教授,研究方向为心灵哲学和道德哲学。钟磊是近几十年来首次在国际最顶级的哲学期刊(例如Journal of Philosophy、Philosophy and Phenomenological Research)发文的中国学者。他的一些论文已被人翻译为中文重新出版。他关于心灵因果性的研究在国际哲学界引发诸多回应,相关讨论出现在Analysis、Canadian Journal of Philosophy、Erkenntnis、Noûs、Pacific Philosophical Quarterly、Philosophical Studies、Synthese等知名哲学刊物。
他的文章“Sophisticated Exclusion and Sophisticated Causation”被列为英文哲学数据库PhilPapers中关于“The Exclusion Problem”的核心著述。
1. Zhong, Lei (2017) “Semantic Normativity and Semantic Causality,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94: 626-645.
2. Zhong, Lei (2016) “Physicalism, Psychism, and Phenomenalism,” Journal of Philosophy 113: 572-590.
3. Zhong, Lei (2016) “Exclusion in Morality,” Grazer Philosophische Studien 93: 275-290.
4. Zhong, Lei (2016) “A Confucian Virtue Theory of Supererogation,” Philosophy East and West 66: 328-341.
5. Zhong, Lei (2015) “Why the Counterfactualist Should Still Worry About Downward Causation,” Erkenntnis 80: 159-171.
6. Zhong, Lei (2014) “Sophisticated Exclusion and Sophisticated Causation,” Journal of Philosophy 111: 341-360.
7. Zhong, Lei (2013) “Internalism, Emotionism, and the Psychopathy Challenge,” Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology 20: 329-337.
8. Tang, Yingying and Zhong, Lei (2013) “Toward a Demystification of Egalitarianism,” Philosophical Forum 44: 149-163.
9. Zhong, Lei (2012) “An Explanatory Challenge to Moral Reductionism,” Theoria 78: 309-325.
10. Zhong, Lei (2012) “Counterfactuals, Regularity and the Autonomy Approach,” Analysis 72: 75-85.
11. Zhong, Lei (2011) “Can Counterfactuals Solve the Exclusion Problem?” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83: 129-147.
12. Zhong, Lei (2011) “A Unificationist Vindication of Moral Explanation,” Philosophical Forum 42: 131-146.