2017.07-2019.05:兰州大学地理学博士后流动站,博士后,合作导师:马建民 教授。
2011.09-2017.06:兰州大学大气科学学院,大气物理学与大气环境,理学博士,导师:张镭 教授。
2015.08-2016.08:美国Texas A&M University,国家公派联合培养博士,合作导师:Renyi Zhang 教授。
1.第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究任务六专题2, 粉尘气溶胶及其气候环境效应, 2019QZKK0602, 2019.11-2024.10, 4027万元,在研,参加(5/29)。
2.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 41905017, 沙尘和人为污染混合型气溶胶的理化特性和辐射效应, 2020.01-2022.12, 25万元, 在研, 主持。
3.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金, lzujbky-2020-36, 结合系留探空和激光雷达研究大气边界层高度, 2020.01-2021.12, 20万元,在研, 主持。
4.兰州大学青年研究员科研启动费, 大气气溶胶理化特性和辐射效应研究, 2019.03-2024.03, 100万元, 在研, 主持。
5.中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助, 2018M631216, 沙尘和人为污染混合型气溶胶吸收特性的观测和模拟研究, 2018.05-2019.04, 8万元, 已结题, 主持。
6.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 41475008, 黄土高原半干旱区复杂地形条件下稳定边界层湍流特征研究, 2015.01-2018.12, 96万元, 已结题, 参加。
7.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 41405113, 新型地面气溶胶移动集成观测系统的研发及应用, 2015.01-2017.12, 26万元, 已结题, 参加。
8.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 41205112, 兰州地区黑碳和沙尘气溶胶偏振特性观测研究, 2013.01-2015.12, 26万元, 已结题, 参加。
1. Tian, P., Yingjing Lin, Lei Zhang*, et al. Extensive observations of wintertime atmospheric aerosols at SACOL: implications for mixing of dust with anthropogenic pollutants, under review.
2. Tian, P., Zhang, L., Ma, J., Tang, K., Xu, L., Wang, Y., Cao, X., Liang, J., Ji, Y., Jiang, J. H., Yung, Y. L., and Zhang, R. Radiative absorption enhancement of dust mixed with anthropogenic pollution over East Asia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 7815-7825, 2018.
3. Tian, P., Zhang, L., Cao, X., Sun, N., Mo, X., Liang, J., Li, X., Gao, X., Zhang, B. and Wang, H., 2018. Enhanced Bottom-of-the-Atmosphere Cooling and Atmosphere Heating Efficiency by Mixed-Type Aerosols: A Classification Based on Aerosol Nonsphericity. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 75(1):113-124.
4. Tian, P., Cao, X., Zhang, L., Sun, N., Sun, L., Logan, T., Shi, J., Wang, Y., Ji, Y., Lin, Y., Huang, Z., Zhou, T., Shi, Y. and Zhang, R., 2017. Aerosol vertical distribution and optical properties over China from long-term satellite and ground-based remote sensing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(4): 2509-2523.
5. Tian, P., Cao, X., Zhang, L., Wang, H., Shi, J., Huang, Z., Zhou, T. and Liu, H., 2015. Observation and simulation study of atmospheric aerosol nonsphericity over the Loess Plateau in northwest China. Atmospheric Environment, 117: 212-219.
6. Tian, P., Cao, X., Liang, J., Zhang, L., Yi, N., Wang, L. and Cheng, X., 2014. Improved empirical mode decomposition based denoising method for lidar signals. Optics Communications, 325: 54-59.
7. Tian, P., Zhang, L., Cao, X. and Yi, N., 2015. The Application of EMD-CIIT Lidar Signal Denoising Method in Aerosol Detection. Procedia Engineering, 102: 1233-1237.
8.Zhang, R., Tian, P., Ji, Y., Lin, Y., Peng, J., Pan, B., Wang, Y., Wang, G., Li, G., Wang, W., Zhang, F., Feng, X., Duan, L., Hu, J., Marrero-Ortiz, W., Secrest, J. and Hu, M., 2017. Overview of Persistent Haze Events in China. In: I. Bouarar, X. Wang and G.P. Brasseur (Editors), Air Pollution in Eastern Asia: An Integrated Perspective. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 3-25.
9.Wang, G., Zhang, R., Gomez, M.E., Yang, L., Levy Zamora, M., Hu, M., Lin, Y., Peng, J., Guo, S., Meng, J., Li, J., Cheng, C., Hu, T., Ren, Y., Wang, Y., Gao, J., Cao, J., An, Z., Zhou, W., Li, G., Wang, J., Tian, P., Marrero-Ortiz, W., Secrest, J., Du, Z., Zheng, J., Shang, D., Zeng, L., Shao, M., Wang, W., Huang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhu, Y., Li, Y., Hu, J., Pan, B., Cai, L., Cheng, Y., Ji, Y., Zhang, F., Rosenfeld, D., Liss, P.S., Duce, R.A., Kolb, C.E. and Molina, M.J., 2016. Persistent sulfate formation from London Fog to Chinese haze. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(48): 13630-13635.
10.Gao, X., Cao, X., Tian, P., Zhang, L., Huang, Z., Zhou, T., 2017. Combined observation of a dust storm over the Loess Plateau using a dual-wavelength lidar and an aethalometer. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 8(6), 1103-1112.
11.Cao, X., Liang, J., Tian, P., Zhang, L., Quan, X., Liu, W. The mass concentration and optical properties of black carbon aerosols over a semi–arid region in the northwest of China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 5(4), 601-609, 2014.
12.Cao, X., Wang, Z., Tian, P., Wang, J., Zhang, L. and Quan, X., 2013. Statistics of aerosol extinction coefficient profiles and optical depth using lidar measurement over Lanzhou, China since 2005–2008. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 122: 150-154.
1.2018.10, 2018中国激光雷达技术与应用学术会议, 口头报告(获奖),合肥
2.2018.10, AGU JING (Joint International Network in Geoscience) Meeting 2018, Oral, Xi’an, China
3.2016.01, AMS 96th Annual Meeting, Poster, New Orleans, United States
4.2014.10, 全国大气科学博士学术论坛暨第十二届海峡两岸青年学术研讨会, 口头报告, 北京
5.2014.05, The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7), Poster, Beijing, China
6.2013.10, 第30届中国气象学会年会, 墙报, 南京
7.2013.05, 第十一届全国气溶胶会议暨第十届海峡两岸气溶胶技术研讨会, 口头报告, 武汉
8.2012.10, 第二届中国激光雷达学术会议, 口头报告, 青岛
1.甘肃省科技进步一等奖(排名第12; 黄建平, 张镭, 闭建荣, 黄忠伟, 史晋森, 张强, 张北斗, 王胜, 王国印, 梁捷宁, 周天, 田鹏飞), 环境与气候灾害集成探测技术与应用, 2019.01.
2.优秀博士学位论文, 兰州大学, 2017.09.
3.优秀毕业研究生, 兰州大学, 2017.09.
4.博士研究生国家奖学金, 中华人民共和国教育部, 2015.12.
5.三好研究生, 兰州大学, 2014.12.
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