


假如昨天下午全校师生进行了一次地震逃生演练(a practice of escaping from an earthquake)。请展开合理想象,写一篇短文介绍这次演练的情况。不少于60词。


提示词:under the desk, cover the head, run out, one after another (一个接一个), walk on the right down the stairs (楼梯), get to (到达)。



Yesterday morning, our school gave us a practice of escaping from an earthquake. All the teachers and students took part in the activity. 

Before it, our headteacher, Miss Wang, told us the rules for escaping again. It started on time at 8:00 a. m. Miss Wang shouted,“Under your desk!”All the students stayed under the desks with arms covering the heads. Next, she shouted“Group One, go!”… “Group Two, go!”…. My classmates ran out of the classroom one after another. When I was walking on the right down the stairs, Lucy in front of me fell down suddenly. I held her up quickly. All of my classmates got to the playground at 8:01. No one was left.“We only spent one minute.”said Miss Wang happily. 

This activity is popular with both parents and students. We learnt a lot from it.

昨天上午,我们学校给我们做了一次逃离地震的练习。所有的老师和学生都参加了这次活动。 在这之前,我们的班主任王小姐告诉我们再次逃走的规则。早上8点准时开始,王小姐喊道:“在你的桌子底下!”“所有的学生都坐在桌子下面,胳膊覆盖着脑袋。接着,她喊道:“第一组,去!”“…”第二组,走!“……”我的同学一个接一个地跑出教室。当我走下楼梯的时候,我前面的露西突然摔倒了。我很快地把她抱起来。我所有的同学都在8点01分到达操场。没有人离开。“我们只花了一分钟。”王小姐高兴地说。



姐的欢喜 » 写一篇短文介绍地震逃生演练的情况。不少于6