

  My name is Bruce Van Natta and I love to work on trucks.

  我的名字是Bruce Van Natta,我喜欢以卡车司机为职业。

  I'm a self-employed diesel mechanic;


  also a family man living out my power truck dreams and providing for my wife and four children. 


  I never gave a second thought to the danger of working on engines that weigh thousands of pounds  虽然每天都与重达几千磅的机械为伍,我从来没想过这份工作会有什么危险。  until November 16 2006. I was working on a Peterbilt logging truck about an hour from  直到2006年11月16日,我驾驶着一辆彼得比尔特测井工程车  The guy I was working with who drives the truck asked me if I would look at one more leak before I left.  跟我合作的那个开卡车的哥们问我能不能再检查一下车的状况再走。  So if you could picture one of these great big Peterbilt trucks I slid under the front big bumper feet first.  如果你能想象那种巨大的彼得比尔特卡车,可以想一下,我钻到车子前段巨大的保险杠底下的情景。  The front axle was jacked up and the right front wheel removed.  车前轴卡住了,我把右前侧的轮胎卸了下来。  I said to him "You jump up inside and see what the temperature of the engine is."  我对他说,“你钻到车子下面去看看引擎的温度如何。”  The axle is right across my chest at this point maybe an inch or two above me.  车前轴就在我的胸口上方,离我只有一两英寸的距离。  The 20-ton capacity jack holding up the truck shot out from its position.  卡车本来被一个20吨的千斤顶支撑着,这时千斤顶却突然滑落出来。  This 10000 to 12000 pounds of weight that's on this axle came down across my mid-section like a blunt guillotine and nearly crushed me in half.  车轴顿时压下来,这辆卡车的重量大约有1万至1万2千磅,像一把顿口的大铡刀一样压在我的胸口上,差点把我劈成了两半。  I tasted the blood in my throat when it fell on me.  我感到喉咙里一阵热流,很快就尝到了鲜血的甜腥味。  I looked down and could see there was less than three inches of space between the bottom of the axle and the cement.  我向旁边看去,发现车轴的底部距离水泥地面只有不到三英尺的距离。  I knew the thickest part of my body was maybe two inches thick.  我的身体已经被压扁了,我想最厚的地方也只有两英寸左右。  I begged the man that jacked up the truck to get me out from under it.  我央求那个兄弟把卡车搬起来,让我能从下面脱身。  He didn't want to because he could tell that I might have a broken back and I did.  他说不能这么做,因为我的脊柱肯定骨折了,后来证实的确如此。  The vertebrae in my spine were cracked the width of the axle.  我的脊柱已经断成一段一段的,和车轴差不多宽。  I tried to pull myself out from under the truck.  我竭力想把自己从卡车底下拉出来。  It was the most incredible pain you can think of.  足以想象我的身体承受着怎样剧烈的疼痛。  I got myself to where my head was sticking out from under the front bumper.  我努力往前伸,终于脑袋从保险杠底下钻了出来。  The man I had been working with was on his knees next to my body.  开卡车的伙计正双膝跪地趴在我身边。  I could faintly hear him saying 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry.'  我能隐约听到他说着“我很抱歉,我很抱歉。”  I was definitely on the edge of life and death.  我知道自己正在生死关头。  There were two thoughts in my head.  我的脑子里有两个想法。  One was 'Shut your eyes and give up and die. You can rest peacefully.' 其中一个念头说  ,“闭上眼睛,放弃抵抗,接受死亡吧。你可以平静的休息了。”  The other voice in my head was much quieter and not much more than a whisper


  'If you want to live you're going to have to fight and you are going to have to fight hard.'


  The next thing I knew my spirit went back down into my body. 


  I was conscious while I was flown on a life flight to the hospital.


  Doctors there doubted I would survive the next few hours.


  My ribs were broken my pancreas and spleen crushed and several major arteries had been severed. 


  We found out from doctors later I had five places that major arteries were completely severed. 


  I found out from the doctors there was a medical study done in 2001.


  According to that study by the University of South California they used my case and compared it against that study.  这项研究是有南加州大学进行的,他们引用我的病例来证明自己的研究理论。

  They can't find anyone else in the world that has lived with five major arteries being severed.


  I should have bled to death in a few minutes. 


  I stayed in the hospital for over two months and survived five major surgeries. 


  After nine long months of surgeries and hospital stays I was finally able to feed myself and gained weight back up to 170 lbs.  我在医院里住了九个月,接受了无数次手术,终于开始恢复。

  When I returned for testing radiology reports and doctors confirmed that I had almost nine feet of small intestine .  我回医院复查的时候拍了个片子,医生们告诉我,我的小肠几乎有9英尺长。

  They said the small intestines were twice as good as normal.


 They work just as if I had all of it; absorb the vitamins minerals and nutrients I take into my body.  如此强大的小肠,我想我一定是照单全收了:我的身体把我吃进肚子里的维生素,矿物质和营养成分全都吸收了。

  Miracle after miracle life was just showing up. He is a miracle worker.


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