33“指定存管银行”,是指经能源中心指定从事期货保证金存管业务的银行。“Designated Settlement Banks”A bank designated by the Exchange that engage in the futures margins custodian business.
34“指定检验机构”,是指经能源中心指定从事期货商品检验业务的检验机构。“Designate Inspection Agencies”The inspection agencies designated by the Exchange that engage in the inspection of commodity for futures.
35“持仓限额”是指能源中心规定的会员、境外特殊参与者、境外中介机构或客户持仓的最大数量。“position limit”Maximum position allowed to be held by a Member, an Overseas Special Participant, an Overseas Intermediary or a Client.
36“中国”,是指中华人民共和国;“时间”,均为中国北京时间。除特别说明外,“国家”是指中国,“期货市场”是指能源中心期货市场, “以上”、“以下”、“以内”均含本数。The “PRC” is the People’s Republic of China. Any reference to a time adopts Beijing Standard Time. Unless otherwise stated, the “state” refers to the PRC and “the futures market” refers to the futures market in the Exchange. All the sentences that contain “above”, “below” or “within” certain number, the certain number shall be counted in.