

  For many years  多年来  

I was treated in a very unkind way.  我并没有遭受过恶意的对待  

I was not only talked about behind my back  没有人在我的背后诽谤我  

but I was spoken to in an unkind manner to my face.  当曾经有人当面对我用十分失礼的态度说话  

I'm sure  我相信  

a lot of people can relate to this.  许多人有过类似的经历  

There came a time  后来  

when I had the opportunity to help this person out.  我得到一个机会,可以对那个人提供帮助  

For some reason  出于某种原因  

much to my surprise  连我自己都感到惊讶的是  

I chose to be kind and help.  我选择对他友善,并且帮助了他  

My action to show love and help not only surprised me  我的行动表现了爱和帮助,这不仅让我吃惊  

but it surprised others as well.  也让周围的其他人大吃一惊  

I'm sharing this  我分享这个故事  

because I can not tell you  是因为我想告诉你  

how much my action set me free.  我的举动让我感到难以言喻的轻松自由  

I now had the power  如今我手握重权  to treat this person the same way I had been treated  对此人以其道还治其人之身  or I could be kind  我也可以选择善良  and put love into action.  用我的行动传达大爱  The choice was mine.  选择权在我手中  Love your enemies  “爱你的敌人”  and bless them that curse you.  “祝福那些诅咒你的人”  I never really understood this maxim  我从没有真正理解这句箴言  until I put it into practice.  直到我将它诉诸实践  Being kind and showing love did as much for me  行善举,传达大爱,这对我的益处  as it did for the other person.  与对那人的益处一样多  This is a good time  这正是一个好时机  to not only show love to those who love us  不仅对爱我们的人表达爱意  but to be kind to those who have done us wrong.  也要对曾对我们有失公允的人表达善意【看这里~】如果大家有兴趣的话,请关注【 英语巴士网-英语美文 】栏目英语巴士网整合了您可能感兴趣的相关英语学习资料,可以多看一下哦(^_^)欢迎扫描二维码关注英语巴士公众号!(编辑:bruce)

姐的欢喜 » 双语美文:想要自由的感觉?那就做个好人吧