

  For weeks I worked repairing the outside of a run down home几个星期以来,我的工作都是修缮一幢破旧的房子,  I kept noticing the same man riding an old bike pulling a make shift cart often filled with cans and junk.我经常看到一个男人,他骑着一辆旧旧的自行车,后面拉着一辆简易的推车,推车里经常装满了垃圾罐等垃圾  Eventually his bike broke and for days I saw him struggling to walk the bike and loaded cart up and down the road.最后他的自行车坏了,接连几天,我都看到他费力的推着自行车,后面拖着装满垃圾的推车,艰难的在马路上来来去去  I asked if I could help by fixing his bike (it was beyond repair).  我问他是否需要我帮他修理自行车(其实那辆车已经坏的不能修了)  I noticed he had some sort of disability but his respect for others kindness and humility shown more brightly.  我注意到他身体有些残疾,但他很尊重他人,态度友善,不卑不亢,这些品质更加引人注目  He politely declined saying he was happy walking.  他委婉的拒绝了我的帮助,说自己很乐意步行。  I insisted and showed him a picture of a garden wagon I could get him for his heavy loads.  但我执意到帮助他,还提出我可以送给他一辆花园货车,可以用来拖运他的东西,还把货车的照片给他看。  He didn't want to impose but I saw his eyes light up at the picture.  他说不想给我添麻烦,可是我发现,他看到照片的时候,眼睛亮了起来  He finally accepted my offer.  他最终接受了我的帮助  Finding he lived with his mother I delivered the wagon there.  我得知他跟他的母亲住在一起,我把货车寄到了那里  They were delighted far beyond what little I did for him.  两人大喜过望,相比之下,我为他所做的根本不算什么  Each day he came by with his wagon load at a brisk pace we smiled and waved.  每天他都会推着推车从我眼前经过,步伐轻快,我们相互微笑,还对对方招手  I don't know about his load but my heart was much lighter.  我不知道他拖运的东西有没有变轻,但我感觉自己的心情松快了很多【看这里~】如果大家有兴趣的话,请关注【 英语巴士网-英语美文 】栏目英语巴士网整合了您可能感兴趣的相关英语学习资料,可以多看一下哦(^_^)欢迎扫描二维码关注英语巴士公众号!(编辑:bruce)

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