


Fiscal spending on education continued to be over 4 percent of GDP. The number of students from poor rural areas enrolled in key universities grew by 21.3 percent. We waived tuition and miscellaneous fees for students from poor rural families at regular senior high schools. Over the course of the year, more than 84 million grants were given to students from poor families studying in all types of schools.

The basic health insurance systems for rural and nonworking urban residents were merged and government subsidies for the system were increased. More funding was provided for basic public health services. Full coverage of the serious disease insurance scheme was achieved, and healthcare costs meeting relevant provisions can now be settled on the spot when incurred anywhere within the provincial-level administrative area where insurance is registered.

We increased public cultural services at the community level. The Fitness for All initiative was launched, and Chinese athletes gave an excellent performance at the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Last year, parts of the country, especially the Yangtze basin, were hit by severe flooding and other disasters. We acted quickly to provide effective rescue and relief, swiftly relocated over 9 million people, minimized damage and loss, and made systematic progress with recovery and reconstruction efforts.


Eighth, we continued to enhance government performance and improve governance, thus ensuring social harmony and stability.

The State Council submitted 13 legislative proposals to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) for approval and adopted or revised 8 sets of administrative regulations. We improved mechanisms for drawing on public opinions in decision making on public issues and worked with keen attention to handle the proposals and suggestions of NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members. We made progress in strengthening government transparency by releasing lists of the powers and responsibilities of all provincial-level government departments.

We intensified accountability inspections. The third State Council accountability inspection was carried out; special inspections and third-party evaluations were conducted on the implementation of policies related to cutting overcapacity and encouraging private investment; and new steel projects launched in breach of regulations and the production and sale of substandard steel products were strictly investigated and dealt with.

We strengthened workplace safety efforts and saw a continued decline in the total number of accidents and in the number of accidents of a serious nature.

We took comprehensive measures to maintain law and order and, in accordance with law, cracked down on crime and other violations, effectively safeguarding national and public security.


We carried out in earnest activities to enable Party members to gain a good understanding of the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's major policy addresses and to meet Party standards. We worked scrupulously to ensure compliance with the Party Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct, took firm action to address formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance, and rigorously enforced the State Council's three-point decision on curbing government spending. We punished a number of corrupt officials in accordance with law, and the fight against corruption has built up irresistible momentum.


  1. “英语学习从娃娃抓起” 平台发展对行业和文化影响深远
  2. 出国留学都在赶早,哈沃助你英语学好
  3. 严格挑选外教,魔力耳朵为每一位孩子的英语学习“保驾护航”
  4. 天津格锐英语
  5. 圣诞节快乐英语怎么写 2018圣诞节祝福语英文中文对照版








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