


—Over the last four decades, the Chinese people have significantly unleashed and enhanced productivity in China through hard work with an unyielding spirit. Heaven rewards those who work hard, and flowers in spring come to fruition in autumn. The focused endeavor in national development and unwavering commitment to reform and opening-up of the Chinese people have brought enormous changes to the country. China has grown into the world's second largest economy, the largest industrial producer, the largest trader of goods, and the holder of the largest foreign exchange reserves. Over the past 40 years, China’s GDP has averaged an annual growth rate of around 9.5% in comparable prices and its foreign trade has registered an annual growth of 14.5% in US dollar. The Chinese people have emerged from a life of shortages and poverty and are now enjoying abundant supply and a moderately prosperous life. According to current UN standards, more than 700 million Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty, accounting for more than 70% of the global total over the same period.


—Over the last four decades, the Chinese people have blazed a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics through determined exploration with a pioneering spirit.The Chinese people have both a keen awareness of national realities and a global vision. We champion independence and self-reliance while embracing openness and win-win cooperation. We uphold the socialist system while sticking to the direction of reform to develop the socialist market economy. As we “cross the river by feeling the stones”, we have strengthened top-level planning. We have studied new circumstances, addressed new problems as they emerge and summed up experience accordingly, thus blazing a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The successful practice of the Chinese people is a proof that there is more than one path leading to modernization. With the right direction and with unremitting efforts, all roads will take us to Rome.


—Over the last four decades, the Chinese people have kept forging ahead and demonstrated the strength of the nation through keeping pace with the progress of the times.Ours is a truth-seeking nation with an open mind. Our efforts to open up our minds have advanced side by side with our endeavor of reform and opening-up. Our search for new ideas and experiment of practices have been mutually reinforcing. Such is the great strength of a guiding vision. Ours is a nation that has courageously engaged in self-revolution and self-reform, constantly made improvements to the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and kept overcoming institutional and systematic obstacles to development. Such is the great strength of institutional guarantee. Ours is an enterprising and pioneering nation with unprecedented motivation, initiative and creativity. Such is the great strength of the 1.3 billion Chinese people driving history forward as masters of their nation and real heroes.


—Over the last four decades, the Chinese people have embraced the world with open arms and actively contributed our share to the world.Reform and opening-up is agreat process that has seen China and the world achieve development and progress together. The Chinese people have made opening-up a fundamental national policy, pursued development with an open door, and accomplished agreat transition from seclusion and semi-seclusion to all-round openness. In this process, China has lived up to its responsibility as a major country. From “bringing in” to “going global”, from WTO accession to the Belt and Road Initiative, China has made significant contribution to mitigating the Asian financial crisis and the global financial crisis. Contributing over 30% of global growth in recent years, China has become a key anchor and driver for the world economy and a positive force in advancing the noble cause of global peace and development.


  1. 2019年军队文职人员招聘公共科目笔试题每日一练(4.25)
  2. 2019江苏军队文职人员招聘考试笔试题每日一练(4.24)(2)
  3. 习近平:中巴人民友谊万岁(中英对照)
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