





  1、 He wouldn't wait in line the next day ,______ ?

  2、 She has been learning English , _________ ?

  3、 We can't take the books out ,________ ?

  4、 He has to go home on foot , ________ ?

  5、 You haven't had your lunch ________ ?

  6、 We have nothing to eat, ________?

  7、 They dislike the book,________ ?

  8、 There used to be a post office in the street ,________ ?

  9、 He said that he would not go with us ,________ ?

  10、We must hand in the exercises , ________ ?

  11、You dare to jump off the wall ,________ ?

  12、 He made a few mistakes in his exercises , ________ ?

  13 She must be a music lover ,________ ?

  14、 I suppose you know her address ,________ ?

  15、 I don't think you 're serious , ________ ?

  16、Let us do the jobs by ourselves ,________ ?

  17、 -----He used not to smoke , usedn't he ?

  ----- _____,he used to 、 The doctor always tells him not to 、

  18、 Do the homework by yourselves , ________ ?

  19 Let's enter the hall ,________ ?

  20 、You must have seen him yesterday ,________ ?

  21、 I think he can swim , _________ ?

  22、 My parents are watching TV,______________?

  23、 There is little milk in the fridge,_____________?

  24、 You have nothing to do now,_______________?

  25、 Peter likes flying a kite in spring,____________?

  26、 There is nobody in the sitting-room,__________?

  27、 Lucy, as well as Peter, is here,_____________?

  28、 Everything is ready,_____________?

  29、 Her father drove to work yesterday,___________?

  当陈述部分是复合句时,疑问部分人称和谓语动词一般与主句一致,但是 当主句有I ( don't) believe ( think , suppose , guess 、、、 )疑问部分人称和谓语动词应该与从句一致、主句的否定实际上是对从句的否定、

  例如: I don't think he will come , will he ? 我想他不会回来,对吧?

德迅网 » 小升初英语反义疑问句练习