

俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me

美国当地时间4月9日上午,新东方创始人兼董事长俞敏洪受邀在第十届ASU+GSV教育科技峰会主会场发表演讲演讲主题为“What does Education Mean to Me?”,受到了与会者的关注。

俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me

“when we are talking about education, what are we talking about?”现场,俞敏洪从教育的定义出发,通过讲述自己从少年到大学受教育的过程,以及在北大任教和创办新东方的经历,阐释了家庭教育、学校教育等不同阶段的教育如何成就了今天的自己,自己又如何理解教育真正的目标和意义。在他看来,好的教育的标准是世界共通的。

俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me





Distinguished friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning.

俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me


Today I come here to introduce a bit about New Oriental , a bit about me and a bit about education. I think most of you here are doing something for education. But education is the one of the most difficult things to define. If we say hospital is a place to cure people’s disease, and medicine is for the goodness and health of the people. But when we are talking about education, what are we talking about? When we look for it in the dictionary, we’ll find that the definition is very vague, “education is a process of being educated”. And when we find what’s “being educated”, “being educated is a process of education”. So what does that mean?


So human being have made great progress. From Aristotle’s time, He insisted that the earth is the center of the universe. And then, the Copernicus came into being, he said that he sun is the center of the universe. And then we came to the Natural law of Newton. And then we came to the theory of relativity by Einstein. So every step of the way we are making progress, we are understanding the world more and more. Coming back to us today is still full of ignorance and stupidity. We are not making much more progress in humanity as a human being. Sometimes, we still insist some wrong ideas in our mind. So what is all education about. Education has existed almost three thousand years. About more than two thousand years ago, we already have those wise people like Plato, like Aristotle, like Confucius, like Buddha, like Jesus, a lot so wise people in this world. But today we are still talking about education. We are still trying to understand what we can do for us, what we can do for our generations, how can we make the world a better place to live in, How can we at most understand each other but not killing each other. That is what we want to do.


I want to take myself as an example. First and foremost, I want to talk about my mother. Everyone has a guide in his or her journey in education. In fact, my mother is a peasant. She cannot read. The immediate question one may ask is: since your mom is illiterate, how can she educate you? What I want to say is that, as a mom, she wants her children to become someone with a promising future. In order for her children to have a good future, she set goals for them. And, that’s exactly what my mom did to me. Because in China, life as a peasant can be very hard. Generations after generations, peasants’ toils in the fields with back-breaking hard labour. My mom didn’t want me to live a peasant life, instead she wanted me to be a teacher. In her mind at the time, that means a teacher in a village. Since ancient times in China, there has been a tradition of respecting teachers. Teachers don’t have to do farm work, and often people in the neighborhood give teachers food to eat. So, my mom always thought teachers were well respected. So, she wanted me to be a teacher when I grew up. When I was young, she asked me to read as much as I could, even though she was unable to read herself.  From the age of four or five, I remembered she never bought me a toy, but palm-sized comic books -- that’s how I started my own life in reading from the age of four or five.

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