

俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me(6)


Fourth, good teachers should encourage students to chase their dreams and future. A good teacher must always help students look into the future. Teachers should cultivate students the spirit to do their best to pursuit their dreams in the face of difficulties, encourage them do not give up, empower them with perseverance and resilience. Because, when we look into the beautiful things in the future, the sufferings and difficulties in front of our eyes no longer make us desperate. They become something that can be used to hone one’s will and pushes you to work harder!


Fifth, a good teacher should also be an expert in family education. Teachers should be able to fully communicate with parents. Teachers can greatly facilitate a child’s growth in the right direction if they are on the same wavelengths with parents in a child’s education. I always believe that qualified parents raise qualified children. That is to say, in addition to the influence a teacher has on the child, it is necessary for them to have influence on the child’s family. The cooperation between the family and the school is essential for the good education of the children.


The above five points are a summary of my teaching experience through being a teacher at Peking University and New Oriental in more than 20 years. Now, I will talk about New Oriental.


New Oriental started with a small English training class with only 13 students. After 26 years of hard work, New Oriental has become a comprehensive education system that covers the educational needs between the ages of 0 and 30. Our business includes kindergarten, primary and secondary after-school tutoring, overseas and domestic exam preparations, overseas study counselling, quality education, STEAM education, book publishing, online education and other businesses. We achieved in building such a system step by step. We also have a goal to connect all the business systems and create a platform for children to learn for life with New Oriental. We also aim to make New Oriental a content provider and platform for lifelong learning.


俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me

In the course of our development, New Oriental has experienced four stages in its missions. Our first mission is to be a bridge for students to study abroad and a rainbow for the returnees to start their businesses in China. New Oriental started with overseas test preparations which helped many Chinese students to study in the US, the UK, and so on. We help them to return to China to work after graduation. Of course, many Chinese students actually stayed in the United States after graduation, but more and more are returning to China. Later, New Oriental broadened its services in providing a full range of English language learning and we had a second mission in making New Oriental "the place where Chinese learn English". New Oriental continued its journey and entered training in many other disciplines, including Mathematics, Chinese, Physics, Chemistry, etc. New Oriental is no longer a place to learn English, and our mission becomes “Come to New Oriental for Your Dream”. Of course, it’s a bit vague and broad, so we have the fourth stage in our mission. We hope that through our efforts, we can cultivate a generation of Chinese that possess the ability and quality of “lifelong learning, global vision, independent personality, and social responsibility”. As you may see, we are actually gradually entering the core of education because we believe that education should be "whole-person education". The so-called "holistic education" is not only about knowledge, but make student a better human being that can better serve the society. I think the four aspects are quite important, that is “lifelong learning, global vision, independent personality, and social responsibility”. The mission is our responsibility to students and we have a long way to go.

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