

俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me(4)


俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me

In short, entering such a good university is undoubtedly a turning point in my life. It’s also a privilege. The most important thing is to be able to learn from friends that are better than me one way or another, because if you follow someone who is better than you, sooner or later, you become even better.


I remember that Warren Buffett once said, it’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behaviour is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction. There is no doubt that I was actually following that in Peking University. This is not a deliberate choice, but an opportunity given to me by such an environment. Of course, in a certain sense, it is also the result of my personal pursuit.


俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me

After my graduation, I remained in Peking University, working as an English teacher. Actually, I wasn’t a teacher in the true sense. I was a teaching assistant. I taught English classes to first-year university students, because at the time China required every university student to study English. Students were also required to pass college English test levelled at band 4 and 6. They can’t graduate if they fail the exams. So, some graduates of English major remained on campus and became an English teacher. Although this was only an unintentional act of teaching students English, it allowed me to stay at Peking University and I continued to gain more knowledge. The experience gave me two benefits. Firstly, teaching hours were only eight hours a week, leaving me with plenty of time to go to the library to study. Secondly, as a teaching assistant at Peking University, it gave me the access to reach out to many famous professors, communicating with them and asking questions. I learned a lot from these professors.


I had a very good time at Peking University for six years working as a teacher. There was a beautiful campus for me to take a walk, famous professors for me to look for advice and excellent students to communicate with. It was also a very good stepping stone in my personal development. I read a lot of books in six years, and the bookshelves in my small house in Beijing were full of thousands of books.


Later on, students around me and my university classmates started to go abroad to study in the United States. With more and more went abroad to study, I also had the idea to so. I passed the TOEFL and GRE exams and applied for American universities. Unfortunately, none of the universities offered me scholarships. At that time, as a poor teacher, I was unable to afford to study abroad. So, I started to teach as a tutor in a training institution to earn some money in the hope that I have the funds to study in the US. By doing so, I saw a different world outside the ivory tower and found out the training industry in China was very prosperous. I also realised that a large number of teachers were not effective in teaching students. I already gained rich experience in teaching, so I decided to open my own classes.  However, Peking University was unhappy about what I was doing in running these classes. I was then punished by the University for tutoring outside. The punishment led me to resign. Because if you were not appreciated in our work, it’s better for you to move on. I made up my mind already that if I left Peking University, I would run a training school to use my teaching skills to coach more students, helping them get high scores so that they can pursue a better future. Looking back, the punishment at Peking University planted a seed for my future success.

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