

俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me(7)


New Oriental has done a lot. Yet, in terms of our goals, we have just begun. What we have done to the students in China is far from enough. The emergence of new technologies, whether Internet, artificial intelligence, big data, has had a major impact on all industries. In the field of education, it will have a more significant impact. Today, what New Oriental has to do is not only teach students knowledge or provide teachers with tools and contents, but to combine that with mobile internet, AI and big data. New Oriental has set up a research institute for AI+ education to experiment the combination of cutting-edge technologies and education. We are working hard to come up with products to enable students to learn more effectively and intelligently. At the same time, New Oriental is also actively working with public schools, promoting a smart and intelligent education system for public schools. Such kind of system has been developed for several years and can improve the overall learning efficiency for students in public schools, providing them with solutions.


China also faces the challenge in education equality and balance. China has invested huge amount of money in education in 40 years of reform and opening up. The investment is dozens of times more than it’s used to be. However, we still face the problem of education imbalances. Children in rural and mountainous areas are unable to receive good quality of education as children in the urban areas.  With the development of technology, such as remote learning, dual teacher, we can do a lot of things in improving education equality in China. I believe the real development of China's future must be the development of education equality through technology, so that children in every corner can receive the best quality education in China, so that every child has the hope to have the opportunity to enter the best universities in the world.


For an educational institution like New Oriental, I believe we must have the ability to serve the country and the society. We should educate students with independent thinking, good personality, sound knowledge and creativity. More importantly, we need to empower students with skills in lifelong learning, global vision, independent personality, and social responsibility. This is our mission today. As for the future of New Oriental, we hope to become an integrator and provider of excellent educational content, system and learning platform in China and the world. We hope that New Oriental becomes a lifelong learning service provider, providing high-tech and products from pre-school to lifelong education. We will also try to explore the combination of technology and education with human instructions. More importantly, we will devote ourselves to promote education equality in China, providing high-quality education services to children in rural areas in China, opening a bright path for their future.

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