

俞敏洪在ASU+GSV峰会发表英文演讲:What does Education Mean to Me(3)


So come to the conclusions like this. Education is not somebody who is smarter than the one who is teaching you. Education is not the professor teaching you the knowledge that you already know. Education or educators can be somebody who's illiterate like my mother and my father, they cannot read or write, but they teach you something that you should go beyond yourself. Go beyond your mission of this world. Go beyond your limitation and go beyond your natural ability. And you will get new talents, because of education you can help others. They try to push you, so let you have your potential to be released. And you will become more understanding about this world. And become open-minded to let yourself go out of your way to challenge yourself. And you will become more tolerant to go walk far away from ignorance.


Studying at Peking University is a turning point for me. I’m very fortunate that I entered the best university in China, Peking University. I have learned a lot during the five years studying there. First, I read more books because there were 7 million books in the library at Peking University. Now, the number of books should be over 10 million. More importantly, I met a large number of friends at Peking University, including my classmates and my teachers. They taught me not only academic knowledge or subjects, but how to think independently and pursue spiritual freedom. Everyone knows that spiritual freedom and independent thinking are the source of all learning, and the source of thinking through one’s own life in multiple dimensions.


So within one time in Peking University, I really learned what is called independent thinking, what is called independent personality, what is called a free mind and a free spirit. So this becomes a new me. It was before that I always think education where you get from university is that you just study your major. If you're studying English literature, then you just study English literature. If you study mathematics, you study mathematics. But later, I think education it's far beyond that. It’s far beyond a major, far beyond examinations, and far beyond what the teacher's talking to you. It's all about how you come back to yourself and how you can really become enlightened about this world. And how you can create your own thinking and discussion about this world. So that's one Peking University gives me. So except the academic knowledge is identified in university. I did several things in the University.


Broadly speaking, I achieved three things at Peking University. First, my knowledge base has been enriched and strengthened greatly. In addition to reading academic books of my subjects, I have read hundreds of books on various topics. Second, I made friends with a group of people with truly independent thinking and characters. Through these friends, I learned how to think about my own life independently and how to pursue my spiritual freedom.  Many friends not only became friends for a lifetime, but also played a major role in my later career in running New Oriental. Some of them have also become my partners in New Oriental. Third, because my major was English, after two years of study, I gradually had the ability to read English originals. It greatly reduced many obstacles for me to explore the outside world. Interestingly, as a result, we were able to see a bigger world relatively earlier than my peers at the time in the university. I learned to appreciate that any problem can be viewed from multiple perspectives. It also helped me form a habit of thinking in multiple dimensions.

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