CLINTON: Well, as he was talking, I was thinking about ayoung girl I met here in Las Vegas, Carla, who is very worried that her parentsmight be deported, because she was born in this country but they were not. Theywork hard, they do everything they can to give her a good life.
And you’re right. I don’t want to rip families apart. Idon’t want to be sending parents away from children.
We have 11 million undocumented people. They have 4million American citizen children, 15 million people. He said as recently as afew weeks ago in Phoenix that every undocumented person would be subject todeportation. Now, here’s what that means. It means you would have to have amassive law enforcement presence。And wewould then have to put them on trains, on buses to get them out of our country.
I think that is an idea that is not in keeping with whowe are as a nation. I think it’s an idea that would rip our country apart.
I have been for border security for years. And mycomprehensive immigration reform plan of course includes border security. But Iwant to put our resources where I think they’re most needed. Anybody who shouldbe deported, we should deport them.
WALLACE: We’re going to — no, we are going to move on tothe next topic, which is the economy. You also have very different ideas abouthow to get the economy growing faster. Secretary Clinton, in your plan,government plays a big role. You see more government spending, moreentitlements, more tax on wealth people. Mr. Trump, you want to get governmentout with lower taxes and less regulation.
CLINTON: Well, I think when the middle class thrives,America thrives. And so my plan is based on growing the economy, givingmiddle-class families many more opportunities. I want us to have the biggestjobs program since World War II, jobs in infrastructure and advancedmanufacturing.
I want us to do more to help small business. That’s wheretwo- thirds of the new jobs are going to come from. I want us to raise the nationalminimum wage, because people who live in poverty should not — who workfull-time should not still be in poverty. And I sure do want to make sure womenget equal pay for the work we do.
I want more technical education in high schools and incommunity colleges, real apprenticeships to prepare young people for the jobsof the future. And we’re going to work hard to make sure that it is。
TRUMP: Well, first of all, before I start on my plan, herplan is going to raise taxes and even double your taxes. Her tax plan is adisaster. And she can say all she wants about college tuition. But the rest ofthe public’s going to be paying for it. We will have a massive, massive taxincrease under Hillary Clinton’s plan.
TRUMP: Saudi Arabia, nothing but money. We protect SaudiArabia. Why aren’t they paying? We have to tell Japan in a very nice way, wehave to tell Germany, all of these countries, South Korea, we have to say, youhave to help us out. We have, during his regime, during President Obama’sregime, we’ve doubled our national debt. We’re up to $20 trillion. So my plan —we’re going to renegotiate trade deals. We’re going to have a lot of freetrade. We’re going to have free trade, more free trade than we have right now.But we have horrible deals. Our jobs are being taken out by the deal that herhusband signed, NAFTA, one of the worst deals ever. Our jobs are being suckedout of our economy.